[h1]Alison[/h1] [i]Woohoo! Yes![/i] The little girl jumps up and down, doing a half-skip half-dance around the remains of the spider, its blood soaking into the grass around her. The delight on her face is palpable as she cheers. "Eat that, Mr. Nasty Spider! Hahaha!" The shadow armor peels away in strips around her, dissolving into inky smoke, and her wings shimmer and disappear, even as she laughs and claps her hands. Last to go is her Predator, whirling away as she lands on the ground from a pirouette. Alison doesn't seem to notice; she's too busy kicking the dead spider's corpse. Then, looking up, she sees Libé swaying in the mighty gust on top of his tower. "Heyy Libé! What's the view like up there? Can I come up and see?" Without waiting for an answer, Alison summons her wings again, and soars upwards, flying effortlessly and with a frightening speed up to the top of the little pillar of earth that Libé has constructed. "Ooh. Isn't it a little shaky up here?" [i]Too bad they can't fly like me... everything's so... just so wonderful up here! The air's so clear, and everything's so pretty. Even if I am scared of heights.[/i] Alison frowns and pushes that thought out of her mind. A real princess was fearless!