Greetings everyone! Sorry to drop in like this. I just want to say that I'm really interested in joining this roleplay. Although I am working on a character sheet at the moment I do not have the time to finish it at the moment. So I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself so I won't be dropping a character sheet out of nowhere, as well as ask a few questions. After all I can see I'm a little late to the party, and I don't want to be a nuisance to you guys. So first of all, even though I'll be skimming through what happened IC, I'd really appreciate it if someone, any one of you, could send me a small summary, even a small paragraph, of the significant things that have happened. That way I'll be sure to not more anything as I'm skimming through the IC posts and I'll have a reference to hold on to. I hope this isn't asking to much already :s Secondly, and this is a question specifically directed to the GMs: you described that the bodies of the captured and ascended mortals would not age beyond the prime of their life. But what would happen if said mortal was well beyond the prime of his life at the time of capture? Would his age reduce to accommodate his new form granting him a note youthful and comfortable body? Or would the trade of more knowledge and life experience be the burden of being stuck in the same old craggy body for eternity. Is this entirely up to me to decide or do you have a suggestion? And finally, I was wondering if you guys didn't mind me participating in this RP even though in rather inexperienced on this forum. Don't get me wrong, I've Roleplays plenty of times in plenty of forums. I just don't know the standard etiquette of this place yet. Saying that, I hope that this entire post is appropriate and realise that maybe I should've just waited until I had finished my sheet... Anyway, all other things aside I'm really excited about this RP and as far as I've seen you guys could still use another roleplayer. I think I could bring some interesting ideas and scenarios to the table. I'll be posting my sheet later today depending on how my question about age is answered.