[hider=Strider Alva] [center][img]http://36.media.tumblr.com/23deb4e1c63f934420cfca9b87852848/tumblr_nelmmhG9FD1r0uyzoo1_500.png[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Strider Alva [b]Epithet:[/b] N/A [b]Blue/Sea:[/b] Red Line, Leroux Terre [b]Crew/Base:[/b] No crew at this time. [b]Bounty/Rank:[/b] 0 Beli [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Height:[/b] 5’7” [b]Weight:[/b] 120 [b]Personality:[/b] Strider Alva is friendly enough, an individual willing to hear others out and saves judgement until he understands how they act. And that’s what he likes to do, understand things. His inquisitive nature has submerged his mind in many a book, and Alva is very well studied because of this. Although, this also makes him very curious, which could get Alva involved in problems that he has no part in dealing with. When faced with a great threat, Alva does not get a surge of bravado to will him through troubles; no, he’d rather run away to live another day than die foolishly. He barely even likes fighting anyway, preferring to hang back to observe the situation so that he may devise a plan to fix the problem. If plans A through Y fail and Alva is left back against a wall with the final plan Z, then he’ll initiate it and die fighting, but he’d like to one day grow stronger so that plan Z never happens. For now, Alva will surround himself with strong individuals in the form of pirates, and while he may forge relationships with these people, he has his own motives and will see them finished no matter what. [b]Devil Fruit (if any):[/b] N/A [b]Skills & Talent:[/b] Reading, writing, cooking, cleaning, playing various games such as cards and chess, manipulation and deception, planning. [b]Weapons (if any):[/b] Alva purchased a Thompson submachine gun or “Tommy Gun” specifically for the purposes of warding off shady individuals looking to cause him harm, and if it came down to it, protection. Keeps it strapped to his back for easy access, loaded with one 30 round drum. [b]Transportation:[/b] A series of ferries and transport ships; meaning that Alva has no claim on a ship of his own. [b]Dream/Goal:[/b] Obtain the powers of the Kamen Kamen no Mi and take up the mantle of the Mask. [b]Origins:[/b] Strider Alva was born and raised on the great continent of the Red Line in the city of Leroux, where his family made a modest living in the urban jungle. While the Strider family always had food on the table and a roof over their heads, the city was plagued with terrible crime enforced by bandits and warring gangs, making the Leroux streets incredibly unsafe. To counter this, the tall skyscrapers were blocked off and bridges were built on the rooftops, thus creating a divide between the rich and the poor, and essentially creating two new cities. Those with the money and power had the privilege of living in Leroux Ciel, while the impoverished were left with Leroux Terre. Unfortunately for the Striders, they fell on the latter side. While life like this was hard, Alva managed to stay on the right side of the law, and found a role model in someone nothing less than a hero. Shortly after the Leroux divide, a woman made herself known as the protector of the streets below, and using the powers that only a devil fruit could offer, she protected the weak and helped the police drop the crime rate to a record low. She was the Mask, and had eaten the similarly named Kamen Kamen no Mi, or Mask Mask Fruit. This fruit allowed the Mask to remove her face from her body to place it on other objects or living things, allowing her control over whatever wore her. Ever interested in the pursuits of the Mask, Alva would track the heroine and write down all her stunts and accomplishments, taking note of her mortal enemies and how she used her abilities to foil their evil plans. It was unfortunate that the last story Alva ever wrote on the Mask was the incident involving her death after the police found her corpse submerged in a local swimming pool, with a single nail hammered into her forehead. This was the calling card of Pincushion, a man who had his fingernails, toenails, and teeth ripped out and replaced with nails. A note was also found hammered into a wall at the crime scene, letting Leroux know that he planned to venture out to sea to become a pirate in order to find the Kamen Kamen no Mi for himself. Afraid of having the name of the Mask tarnished by letting those powers get into the hands of Pincushion, Alva decided to make it his mission to find the Kamen Kaman no Mi and take up the mantle of the Mask. With the crime rates in Leroux Terre rising again, they’d need a hero. Leaving behind his family, the boy now travels the sea, hoping to reach his goal before the foul Pincushion does. [/hider]