[hider=Daisy][center][img]http://befunkycartoonizer.s3.amazonaws.com/C2690910-1381367962218568large.jpg[/img] [color=darkorange]Name[/color] Daisy Montblanc [color=darkorange]Blue/Sea[/color] North Blue, [url=http://onepiece.wikia.com/wiki/Lvneel]Lvneel Kingdom[/url] [color=darkorange]Crew/Base[/color] - [color=darkorange]Bounty/Rank[/color] - [color=darkorange]Age[/color] 18 [color=darkorange]Height[/color] 5'2'' / 1.61m [color=darkorange]Weight[/color] 105lbs / 47kg [color=darkorange]Personality[/color] Daisy is a carefree and often daydreaming person, always looking relaxed and calm. And that's exactly how she is, no complex words or actions, no hidden feelings or withheld thoughts, she will say what she feels and she will make certain that her voice is heard. She is fiercely protective of everything and everyone she decides to allow into her life yet she will show no mercy to those who -in her opinion- are wasting their lives or her time. She isn't the bravest person to ever exist nor the smartest, she's an average woman making the most of the hand she's been dealt. [hider=Chloro-Chloro Fruit] [color=darkorange]•Type:[/color] Paramecia [color=darkorange]•Ability Description:[/color] The Chloro-Chloro fruit essentially makes the user a plant-man. From harvesting the potential of the various abilities a flower has -from the many effects of photosynthesis to the destructive potential of thorns and various poisonous gasses- to effectively covering the body in iron-hard bark. As long as the user can see the sun, the extremely versatile and unpredictable Chloro-Chloro Fruit will be trouble no matter the opponent. [color=darkorange]•Tactics[/color] [color=darkorange]-Offensive:[/color] The user is capable of more than doubling his strength and agility by planting deep roots into the ground which absorb minerals and water for 3 minutes at a time since it takes quite a toll on the body. The user can also grow long thorny vines which can act as whips of sort. One more of the various offensive uses of the fruit is the production of various gasses like sleeping gas or poisonous gas. [color=darkorange]-Defensive:[/color] The user is capable of covering his body with extremely dense bark capable of withstanding even cannonballs. Other than that, through photosynthesis the user can regenerate health although that ability is practically unusable in battle since it demands the user to be unconscious and still. [color=darkorange]•Specific Weakness:[/color] Practically, for the fruit's true power to manifest, the user needs to both see the sun and step on the ground. For example fighting the user aboard a ship on a shiny day will be vastly different to fighting him on the ground in the middle of the night.[/hider] [color=darkorange]Skills & Talents[/color] Very talented botanist. Average navigator. Charismatic speaker. [color=darkorange]Transportation[/color] Her father's luxurious galleon. [color=darkorange]Dream[/color] To live life at its fullest. [color=darkorange]Origins[/color] Daisy so far has lived a good, rich life having everything one could ever want due to her family's vast wealth. Her father, a man carrying the blood of the famous liar Montblanc Noland -although rumours of the Golden City resurfaced two years ago- and a rich merchant raised her on the beautiful and peaceful Kingdom of Lvneel along with her mother who always stood by her side. Yet nothing's ever perfect. From her birth, Daisy has practically died 11 times in her sleep due to a very rare and unknown illness. The first two times it happened, her mother, a renowned doctor in North Blue, was the one to resuscitate her and ever since a team of doctors has been around her 24/7. Needless to say that she rarely was ever permitted to leave the estate until she reached the point where she stopped eating and she was eventually allowed to roam the kingdom. Fast forward to her 16th birthday when she briefly announced her intention to set sail in two years time and see the world in front of a crowd and her shocked parents where in order to prove her conviction, she did the unthinkable and ate a Devil Fruit she had smuggled for a lot of money from the Grand Line. Countless fights followed and eventually her father accepted her decision and agreed on giving her a ship as long as her doctors along with her bodyguards are always with her. Two years later, she set sail, eager to see the world and secretly with the ambition of entering the Grand Line on her own or with people who weren't aware of her condition. [/center][/hider]