Shiina gave Ikkime a half-glare before the fox Youkai departed outside to meet with Lucille. She was one to talk; the vampire began noting how the other maid acted around the girl with the parasol. But she was right in saying that the feeding was perhaps best conducted in private. "[color=ed1c24]Mistress Eiko, please, let us go somewhere less disruptive. I believe Akane has some spare rooms upstairs and this will only take a minute,[/color]" the vampire offered. Eiko just watched as Shiina glanced towards Ikkime and moved her coat back over her shoulder, once Shiina was ready she said that it would be better if they..,Conducted the blood drinking behind closed doors and away from prying eyes," [color=Cadetblue]Alright, just lead the way upstairs, I'll be right behind you.[/color]" Eiko informed the vampire, ninja, maid. Shiina nodded and moved to guide them both upstairs. As she ascended higher into the building, she could hear the pitter of rain falling down and stifled sigh. It seemed even the weather could tell the sullen mood they were all in. Once they found one of Chikage's spare bedrooms-to which she could only guess its usage-Shiina motioned for Eiko to take a seat at the bed's edge. [color=ed1c24]"Being fed upon by a vampire can usually render a human weak and possibly unconscious. It's best if we do it here if you pass out in the middle of the feeding,[/color]" she informed Eiko. Eiko followed the vampire up the stairs, she both heard and smelled the rain outside, followed with a strong smell of the pavement, as they both entered the room, Eiko's nose was barraged with the foul stench of what a Yokai does in their spare time, either alone or with another Yokai. Eiko sat on the bed and bet that a U.V light would tell stories in of this room, Shiina told Eiko would could happen after she fed off of her, Eiko began to have second thoughts about it and suddenly she was hit with a big thought." [color=cadetblue]Would you feeding off me make me a vampire ?[/color]" She asked wondering what could happen before she would take off her jacket. "[color=ed1c24]Not unless I willed it. Or you were on death's bed,[/color]" Shiina remarked casually. "[color=ed1c24]There's alot of misconceptions about vampires these days. But no, you won't turn into one so you can rest assured.[/color]" Shiina made sure to spend as less time in this room as needed. As a vampire, her senses were much greater than Eiko's. And the smells that lay in this room were...more than a little unpleasant. Not that she judged Chikage's lifestyle or anything... "[color=ed1c24]Are you ready?[/color]" she asked, getting back to point while sitting next to Eiko. "[color=ed1c24]It'll hurt briefly but then you'll become numb to it. A vampire's fangs releases certain additives into the bloodstream to held calm and pacify the victim or prey.[/color]" "[color=cadetblue] Like a spider then.[/color]" Eiko tried to comepare the vampire to an insect. she slowly undone her coat's buttons and revealed her pale skin, and pale left shoulder, her torso had several scars and her left hand arm had some as well, but her left shoulder was un-touched by any of the scars like the rest of her body, it was almost as if Shiina was getting lucky getting a chance to willing scar up a part of Eiko that was un-touched by most others. Eiko turned to Shiina almost seeming different than she was before entering, she had a hint of blush on her cheeks and nose on her pale skin,"[color=cadetblue] I-I'm ready.[/color]" She sounded kinda bashful or almost afraid awaiting Shiina to bite her. Shiina noticed the blush before smiling warmly and saying, "[color=ed1c24]It's alright. Compared to when I was just starting out, I'm a professional at this point.[/color]" The vampire leaned ever closer, eyes shifting blood red as they searched and studied for a fresh vein to penetrate. The top of the shoulder was probably the best option and she was sure it wouldn't cause too much blood loss. Moving now until she was directly over Eiko's flesh, the maid opened her mouth to reveal sharp fangs. A small breath was exhaled onto the skin to tenderize it slightly before Shiina gently sunk her fangs into Eiko's shoulder. A sharp pain would overtake the girl at first and the vampire made sure to hold on and restrain Eiko if she struggled too much. Moving around excessively during a feeding would only cause pain on the recipent's part and so Shiina waited for Eiko's panic to decrease before next proceeding. The warm breath on her shoulder made Eiko almost shutter, she held herself together and stood still as Shiina sunk her teeth into her shoulder, Eiko let out a moan as Shiina held onto her, the seemingly stoic woman's mouth was agape as she felt Shiina's fangs in her blood, her face went completely red as she Shiina started to drink her blood. But unlike the others Shiina has drunk from, Eiko put a hand on the back of her head, the whole situation of her being stabbed with Shiina's teeth wasn't too bad towards her."[color=cadetblue]D-don't g-go crazy and d-drink all of my blood and kill me.[/color]" Eiko told her before letting out a small moan. Hearing that encouraged Shiina to drink a little slower now as the toxins within her fangs began to kick in, entering into Eiko's bloodstream. The pain would be dulled now as a rush of warmth would overtake the one being fed upon. Shiina drank until she felt Eiko was at her limit before carefully removing her fangs away from the penetrated flesh and moving back. Two puncture marks were seen with barely a drop spilt. Compared to most vampires, Shiina Gamai was not a messy eater. "[color=ed1c24]Are you feeling alright young Mistress?[/color]" Eiko was out of breath, she fell back onto the bed panting as if she just ran till her lungs collapsed, beads of sweat escaped the pores on her forehead as she tried to catch her breath, she still could smell the horrible stench of the room's...Fluids, she slowly pushed herself up from the bed and gave Shiina a glare as she began catching her breath. When she felt like she could talk the first thing she said shockingly wasn't to berate Shiina." [color=cadetblue]I told you not to call me misstress.[/color]" She then tried to re-button her coat to cover up her bare arm, but she felt a little weaker than normal." [color=cadetblue]If you need any more...I'll be here. I'll be fine.[/color]" She told the vampire maid. "[color=ed1c24]If you insist. Apologies young Mistress. It's only a habit of mine,[/color]" Shiina answered with a sly grin. Yes, it was evident that she was feeling that much better. But as the moment came and passed, the reality of their current situation came into view and the vampire frowned. To think that Mina Harker was still alive in the world and the one truly behind everything up to this was unthinkable. With more than half of their team dead, regrouping seemed like their only plausible option to this point. Shiina placed a hand to her chin in thought. Eiko groaned as she stood up wobbly, she felt the two little bites on her shoulder with her robotic arm, even though the feeling in her left arm was numb she sighed as Shiina called her mistress again after she said don't call her it, she noticed the cat like grin on her face, with an ear to ear smile. "[color=ed1c24]Are you sure you're feeling okay?[/color]" Shiina asked, her tone neutral once again. The unsettling feeling she got from thinking about Mina came back in full force. But at least her body was healing slowly, thanks to Eiko's provided blood. "[color=cadetblue] Yes, I'm fine, I've been through worse things before hand, I've fought light headed before without many problems.[/color]" Eiko explained to the vampire ninja."[color=cadetblue] Do you need to drink more from me or are you fine with how much you've taken from me ? [/color]" Eiko asked as she fixed her clothes, she rubbed her face with her left hand and took a deep breath, she was okay now after getting a second wind. "[color=ed1c24]No, I'm fine,[/color]" Shiina a little absentmindly. "[color=ed1c24]You should probably go now. We don't need the others to spread rumors about us. I'll meet you in a little bit.[/color]" The vampire turned away, fully expecting Eiko to leave as she stared off into the darkened window. The rain made her eyes narrow at their next possible move from her on out. "[color=cadetblue] Why worry about what the others think ? Let them believe what they want to believe I wouldn't care about what they thought, and with what's going on now I doubt that they will focus on this only their minds are on other things at the moment.[/color]" Eiko tried to ease Shiina's mind. She then noticed the vampire was staring out of the window."[color=Cadetblue] Something the matter ? You have some heavy thoughts on your mind as well ?[/color] " Eiko asked the vampire, she could tell by the look on the vampire's face, it was same look Eiko had before, she felt like something serious was about to happen and someone was gonna get hurt. Shiina slowly turned back to Eiko and mentally cursed herself for how easily readable she was. She wasn't usually like this but it seemed that fate itself was against the Chasers now. "[color=ed1c24]I...was just thinking about Yamato. It's never easy to lose member of the team. You may not realize it young Mistress, but I'm one of the original and oldest Chasers here. As you can imagine, I've seen more than my share of death. It never gets easy. And with Eos being turned with Rikka kidnapped...and the return of [i]her[/i]....heh, I guess you could say I'm just a tad bit depressed.[/color]" The vampire flashed a bitter smile, her eyes slowly drifting back to their ice blue coloration. Those eyes had seen many battles and much loss in their time. Eiko listened to the vampire speak about how she felt about Yamato's death, Eiko remember the old days when she was only a child fighting against men bigger than her, she watched kids she played with be blown to pieces and be nothing but a stain on her clothes, and watched many others die as well. "[color=cadetblue]Like my father would alway say, " I won't say I've felt the same pain your feeling, but I've felt something close to it." I've watched children go into fire fights and come out as nothing but blood stains and organs, the same kids I played with and helped use their guns, but it still didn't help.[/color]" Eiko told the Vampire. She sighed."[color=cadetblue]So I may have not been an immortal and lived for almost one hundred years and seen years of pain and suffering, but I've seen a share of pain in the world, and you'll get Eos and Rikka back.[/color]" Eiko then unexpectedly ambushed the vampire with a hug." [color=cadetblue]And like I said before, stop calling me Mistress.[/color]" Shiina stiffened up, not expecting the hug. But she didn't fight against it, instead finding herself leaning into the other girl's warmth. She was never one for romantics but it was always nice to have a friend to rely on. [color=ed1c24]"Alright. I hope you're right...Eiko.[/color]" the vampire said with a smile.