[u][i][b]KING ALDERON IS DEAD[/b][/i][/u] Now that the King is dead the people of Rondorio is not sure who will be their new ruler, the older brother Aurus, or the younger sister, Arcia. This wouldn't have been a problem if the siblings had solved this in a peaceful way, but neither of them wanted to give up on the chance having the throne. Both siblings formed their own armies and soon the kingdom was divided in two: at the east was Aurus's army, and at the west Arcia's army. [hider=Prince Aurus] [img]https://scontent-gru1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/1146481_608451539241911_1123624434_n.jpg?oh=81d56e1ef5f1f4fc72c8b97878ee3356&oe=5647E3C6[/img] Aurus is the prideful son of the late King Alderon, he has shown to be quite cruel ever since young, often killing small animals with his bow just for fun, yet he still keeps some warrior's honor. He is currently at Lanvandear[/hider] [hider=Princess Arcia] [img]https://scontent-gru1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xft1/t31.0-8/s720x720/11425489_848115568608839_3791671645683293644_o.jpg[/img] The "sweet child" of the late King, not as sweet as many may think: some officers think it was her who "helped" King Alderon to rest in peace. A cunning person indeed. Currently at Kimlaska [/hider] [hider=Map] [img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xta1/v/t1.0-9/11800553_871027806317615_3144017452618260908_n.jpg?oh=c5a8cb5fd8fd36de73593e9f00452a5a&oe=563B7347&__gda__=1448292558_eacdf5def589ab19bcf78be3837a849d[/img] [/hider] Character sheet (Anime or 3D Appearence) Name: Age: Side (Aurus or Arcia): Weapon: Armor: Other items you carry: Other info: RULES -Humans only -3 posts system, so everyone can have some time to play. -Make us now when you are leaving for some time or droping out. -Medieval times. No magic nor gunpoder, no Rambo's either -My word is law here, if you have a problem we can talk about it -Write "Our side will win!" at the end of your CS or be ignored Aurus's Army (3): -Galard Ashford (TheSecret) -Duvessa Summerton of Remana (Savi) -Izo of the Suusa Sumurai Clan (Slendy) Arcia's Army (3): -Scarlett Hidebrook (ImagineVillains) -Caramir Laethros of Vortus (Marcus XVI) -Thomas Bulwark of Legion Village (3905C RG)