Name: Slick Sloth Zairos III Age: 17 Race: Human/Terran Gender: Male [hider=Appearance][img][/img] [/hider] History: A boy of middle class birth on a human mining colony. He didn't have many friends growing up and once he graduated school he took a wrecked ship he'd found in the junk yard that he'd fixed up. He was always good with machines and decent at flying. He was told that he was too smart to be flying a mining ship for the rest of his life. Captain Ship: A small resource mining and cargo ship. Life support for 50 years for 5 people. 5 beds - all single. Cargo hold, with enough room for 100 by 100 meters. 2 guns, barely functioning. Party size: Up 5 (including himself) Reason for traveling: Life back home was too boring. Personality: Fun loving person with a passion and drive for what he loves. He will never let anyone down if possible and he will always have your back. He doesn't like being in danger, unless the pros outweigh the cons.