After the enemy rushed into the room, the fighting was quick and bloody. The Asari who charged Voira raised her own shotgun, but Voira's reaction had been quick. The blast of biotic energy drained the Asari's barriers while stumbling her back. The Asari's weapon still fired, but instead of hitting an unshielded Voira, half of the blast missed entirely, while the other half impacted Raa, but was absorbed by the barrier Voira had placed on her. Several of the pellets flew through the holographic screen to Raa's left and embedded themselves in the wall behind it. A slug from the armor-piercing rounds of Voira's shotgun cut through the Asari's suit with ease and found its way into her abdomen. It was not immediately lethal, but Tacticus' attack prevented her from retaliating. His biotically-enhanced blows imparted enough force to make her armor irrelevant. Regardless, she tried to fight back. Dropping his shotgun to engage in melee combat had taken longer than if he had simply fired, so she reached for one of her grenades, but he was not slow enough that she could activate it. When she hit the ground, her upper body covered in a a violet paint of her own blood, her hand still clutched the explosive with her thumb only centimeters away from the button which would have armed it. On the right side of the room, Avatar, Solares, and a few of the cabal fired on the uniformed hostiles. Solares high rate of fire shotgun cut through the shields of a vorcha quickly, with the incendiary rounds burning through his flesh soon after. Avatar was crouched behind one of the overturned tables for visual cover and leaned out to focus on the closest hostile: a Turian. A warp from a cabal hit his shields, which, while it did not drain them completely, allowed most of the pellets from Avatar's following shot to break through. As its weapon was already on target, it was able to fire again at center mass before the Turian could return fire. However, the remaining Vorcha was able to focus on Avatar. All shots from the burst of his rifle, which was of the same model that Avatar had found in the hallway, hit Avatar's shields, bringing them dangerously low. Quickly, Avatar ducked behind the table, then moved to the side. The Vorcha's next burst easily penetrated through the thin table, but were not on target. Leaning out of its cover, Avatar used an energy drain on the Vorcha, bolstering its own shields while draining its opponent's. Both of them then exchanged fire, but as Avatar's shields were now stronger, it could hold up to the Vorcha's next burst, while his shields fell to the shotgun blast. The number of pellets which penetrated his armor did injure him, but the robust nature of Vorcha physiology necessitated three more shots before Avatar could safely consider him to be neutralized. As it was ejecting a thermal clip from its weapon, a detonation of an alarming size shook the room, as well as those on the decks directly above and below. After 1.5 seconds, the cain mine which Donny had deployed activated. The Turians had saw Donny throw it, but as one of them was attempting to evade what he assumed to be a grenade, he stumbled over one of the chairs which Avatar had placed near the door as an obstacle. His weapon crossed the path of the laser being emanated from the mine, triggering its detonation. A five meter radius around the mine in all directions was consumed by the explosion. All four of the hostile Turians were killed immediately by a combination of the heat, shrapnel, and the shockwave. The walls, floor, and even ceiling in the area, having not been designed to withstand such force, had partially collapsed. Much of the wall leading to the hallway on the left side of the room had been blasted apart, there was a small hole in the ceiling, and a much larger one directly beneath the mine leading to a lower deck. Unfortunately, the damaging effects of the explosion were not confined strictly to the hostiles. As they were in a confined space, the effective radius of the cain mine was amplified. Only two of the cabal were close enough to perhaps experience injuries from the pressure wave itself, but the shrapnel ricocheted much farther. Anyone with weak or drained shields at the time of the explosion could suffer injuries from said shrapnel. As well, the sound produced by the detonation was well above dangerous thresholds, so hearing damage was possible, though not guaranteed. Immediately after the explosion, Avatar picked up screaming from the direction of the corner where the diplomats had been hiding, but it did not investigate immediately. Instead, it kept its weapon trained on one of the doorways until it could determine if there were any more hostiles present in the area.