Brett looked outside and turned of the security system and opened the gate and went over to the Ham radio and through the loud speakers he spoke. "Come on in Dimitri, I got a location for your next target from HQ, and we have to head to HQ in a few days." He got up and unlocked the door, and turned on the lights to the house, both he and Dimitri, we're high level bounty hunters and it's no laughing matter. High level bounty hunters are top class and dangerous to get in the way of. Brett, became known as the Steel Bruiser, because of his 298th contract. A target hired 500 raiders to protect him and Brett wearing his black steel power armor and wielding a power fist. He caved in the chests, broke the necks, shattered the spines of each raider and when he reached his contract he broke each bone before crushing the skull like a pancake under his boot, and took his finger.