[b]Name:[/b] Lizzie Fair [b]Alias(s):[/b] Pegasus [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Affiliations:[/b] Heroes [b]Factions:[/b] Reformists [b]Description:[/b] [IMG]http://i58.tinypic.com/dvij3m.png[/IMG] [b]Powers:[/b] Lizzie/Pegasus has three weak powers that add up to one B-Class power. [i]Flight -[/i] Goes without saying, Lizzie can fly as fast as an airplane, and even make small tornadoes by spinning around or going in circles. [i]Cloud Manipulation -[/i] Lizzie can touch clouds, move them around, and make them rain, hail, snow, or even send out lightning bolts, as well as scuplt buildings and furniture out of clouds, which only she can touch. [i]Super Strength -[/i] Lizzie is as strong as a Shetland Pony (Yes, I mentioned the p-word), meaning that she can punch as hard as a Pony can kick, pull around fully-loaded carts, and pulverize small objects. Weaknesses of said powers are the fact that aside from Pony Strength, Lizzie is no good at close quarters. [b]Skills:[/b] Track and Field, Usage of Nonlethal, Self-Defense Weapons, Laser Tag. [b]Equipment:[/b] Pepper Spray, Gun that fires Incapacitating Foam, Smoke Bombs, First Aid Kit. [b]Ranking:[/b] ([b]Edit:[/b] Low) B [b](Optional) Brief History:[/b] Lizzie Fair had always been an adventurous gal, tomboyish, ready to hang out with the opposite gender, and, well, ready to get in trouble. This increased when she found out that she was a Meta three years before the Present Day, and her parents sent her to the Reformists to, well, actually learn how to control her powers and to channel her gifts for the good of humanity. Of course, as her parents happened to live right next door, she was able to visit them every day. Oh, and she's also a My Little Pony fan. But, seriously, she's a loud, brash, headstrong little girl who has great power, great responsibility, and actually deals with it more maturely than [I]Lucas[/i].