It hadn't been that exciting day for Zanny so far... though that was mostly due of her still sleeping over the early afternoon on the roof of an apartment building. When not in habitable spots of the city, she preferred outside at her campsites greatly... mostly due of no-one else thinking the same way. Sure, the cover from rain was nice, but then you also had competition. Zanny really couldn't handle competition as there were people who were good in what they did and then the people who would be biting dust due of the former people... and as much as Zanny didn't want to think of that, she was most certainly deep in the second department. The snoring came to abrupt stop as the sun had reached to her eyelevel, Zanny grunting annoyed for a moment before sitting up, her back cracking a little from the movement after the rather uncomfortable spot. She was muddy, wet from the damp atmosphere, dirty... it would seem about time to get a bit of break and go back to the town. Then again, Zanny had been only gathering a little scrap from her few days, not nearly enough to let her have a hot meal, let alone a safe roof, or some clean water. Getting on her feet, Zanny looked down to the half collapsed blocks around her, taking a couple of looks in case of 'opportunities' as she called them. She wasn't too fond of a simple murder, but desperate times called desperate measures, and she got quite the vantage point to take out some lonely scavenger with backpack full of goodies down the street.