[center][hider=Suzaku D. Fist] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/fairytail/images/3/36/Kage.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110727071756[/img] [img]http://media.animevice.com/uploads/3/34471/615988-kageyama__profile_portrait__large.png[/img] Typically seen wearing a white jacket with green trim (left unzipped and open), a light gray sash down around his waist that's long enough to hang to his knee's, accommodated with a pair of cargo shorts and sandals his father used to own. [/hider][/center] [b]Name[/b]: Suzaku D. Fist. [b]Epithet[/b]: "The Phantom Cook", "The God of Cookery". [b]Blue/Sea[/b]: South Blue. [b]Crew/Base[/b]: Captain/Cook/Navigator of the Powder Keg Pirates. [b]Bounty/Rank[/b]: [img]http://i.stack.imgur.com/0mvFA.gif[/img] 50,000,000. [b]Age[/b]: Nineteen. [b]Height[/b]: 6'3" (192cm). [b]Weight[/b]: 166 lb (75kg). [b]Personality[/b]: Suzaku shows a generally laid back and easygoing attitude towards almost everything. Doing this for so long has caused him to look at the severity of any situation fearlessly. He is very eager for adventure, and sometimes will get distracted easily over some of the most common of things (if he thinks hard enough about them). Overall, Suzaku is a friendly, somewhat independent person, but tends to lead people the other way, and despite a dark turn of his past events, he maintains a pretty happy attitude. [b]Devil Fruit[/b]: Kaze Kaze no Mi (Wind Wind Fruit). A Logia-type Devils Fruit that allows the user to manipulate, create, and transform into wind or air at will. Used to increase speed and move as if weightless, and create a gale or spontaneous gust of wind. [b]Skills & Talent[/b]: Black Leg Style, Rokushiki, Cookery, and Navigation. [b]Weapons[/b]: Long chain made of sea stone with a safe steel handle encased in rubber. [b]Transportation[/b]: A small Marine vessel re-purposed and painted over with all Marine insignia removed and replaced with pirate flags and a jolly roger. [b]Dream/Goal[/b]: To gather enough money (or find a cure) for an operation to save his fathers life. [b]Origins[/b]: As an early child, Suzaku grew up with a moderate wealthy family as an only child in a small village amongst the South Blue. His father had been a pirate for most of his life, until he reached an old age where he grew out of that scene, and his mother had been a world-reowned cook. Suzaku was somewhat popular and had a few friends, but liked to spend time with his family. While he enjoyed this, he also felt something was missing too, a certain absence of excitement from his life. One day, it was brought up that Suzaku's father had a terminal illness, one that would surely kill him within a few years if the proper treatment was not done. This operation costed a fortune, more than any of the world's greatest pirates even dared to imagine. This is where Suzaku started taking up bounty work, and collecting small time criminals and pirates for ends meat and eventually an operation that would save his father’s life. It was here the World Government started taking notice of the growing skill that Suzaku was displaying. This was just what he was looking for. Suzaku had signed a contract with the World Government that lasted five years in which the deal was as promised: High value pirates would be taken out by Suzaku without any hesitation at just the point of the World Governments finger. Desperate and scrambling to look for opportunities, this would do more than just fulfill his short term dreams. Over this time period, Suzaku trained in various combat arts, and took on new skills. One in which involved eating the Kaze Kaze no Mi, which Suzaku has still not fully obtained true power with it yet. As criminal activity dropped, Marine power rose, and the village Suzaku was used to seeing as a warm and happy spot, was now corrupted by Government agency and abusive force was starting to be used. Suzaku and his favorite Cyborg friend Matteo decided to draw the line. This was no longer a free world anymore, so they both decided to form a revolution in order to sustain some balance within South Blue. The revolts recruiting was carried in silence, but released all at once against the Government and Marine units against surrounding areas within the South Blue. The contract Suzaku once had with the World Government was destroyed, and both of Suzaku's parents went into hiding for the time being. After the battle had seized, a new order was put into place, and Suzaku hit the high seas not just for the thrill of adventure, but in attempts to earn enough beli to save his father's life, or perhaps even find a cure.