Duncan had some reservations about the blueprints accuracy, but nevertheless had handed them over to the resident tech nut. If Xerox managed to get something useful out of them, then great. If not, then no great loss. While the young SeeD was working, Duncan headed over to Hector and Selena to give them their mission. [b]'No such luck. We have absolutely zero information on who or where they'll be. You'll just have to keep a good eye on the crowd. I'm also worried about the possibility of someone else messing with the plan, so keep an eye out for anyone suspicious. Kill or capture, I'll leave the decision to you. Well, except the spooks; kill them at your leisure.'[/b] Giving Selena a respectful, if stiff nod, Duncan turned to leave. [b]'You'll be fine, just don't do anything I wouldn't do.'[/b] It didn't take long for techie to find a weakness and he soon collared Duncan as he was heading back to run over the final details with his father. [b]'Interesting... I could just shoot it with said rifle; I'll be stationed on a rooftop nearby anyway.'[/b] But adding too many moving parts into the plan was risky and only left more chances for things to go wrong. [b]'Maybe give Heloise something?'[/b] The woman in question made her presence known as Duncan lapsed into thoughtful silence as the two discussed the idea. Despite her attitude last night, she seemed professional enough... and it wasn't as though Jericho had acted properly either. He wondered, not for the first time, when his job had evolved from mediating classrooms spats to maintaining discipline in a private army... and how the two were not that dissimilar. He folded his arms restlessly as they talked, wiling them to come to a decision faster when another movement caught his eye. [b]'Kein! Over here.',[/b] Duncan called out, clicking his fingers impatiently. [b]'I want you with Syrus.'[/b] His voice had dropped dramatically and once again held a conspiratorial tone. [b]'The boy's heart is in the right place, but I'm worried tha-'[/b] He stopped abruptly as the redhead in question wandered into view. [b]'Keep an eye on him,'[/b] he whispered. [b]'And don't let him do anything stupid. Go on, you two head to Point Four.'[/b] [b]'Hey, Syrus man!'[/b] Duncan had slunk off with an odd look in his eye and Kein was left with little choice but to carry out his orders, even if they did feel like a small betrayal of trust. [b]'You're with me, on the right side of the road. Boss wants us to head out; you ready?'[/b]