After about 6 months or so without much activity within the guild, I, the man you may know as "Descartes" have returned with a vengeance. I, the man you may know as "Descartes" seek a sort of warm-up match. This will be a quick (or at least quick as possible relative to how these games normally go) session where your character goes one on one against my character. We will have one round worth of combat and there will be only one winner. Victory is achieved when the opponent is unable to fight, or otherwise gives up. Inability to fight also includes being inactive for more than 72 hours from the last post made in the thread. Every time a player misses 32 hours since their last post, however, the other player may post and auto-hit the other. Characters will have power levels over that of normal humans, but under the power of any god (just refer to my character sheet for scaling). In addition to those conditions, we will be following the standard rules of the Guild. If there is anything I failed to mention, just notify me. I've been more or less absent for half a year, so I'm not completely sure of any new rules which have been added. Here is the character you will be fighting: [hider=The Otter Man] Name: The Otter Man, he has no other names. Age: 36 Race: Human Appearance: The Otter Man is a man standing at 5'10" in imperial units and weighing in at 150 pounds. He has a slim build, almost emaciated-looking, probably due to malnutrition. His skin is tanned and covered with ugly scars left apparently by scratches; some of these scratches look self-inflicted. His greasy brown hair is worn long, down to his waist. His nails appear untrimmed, and the shortest ones appear to be bitten down to size. He has green eyes. The Otter Man chooses to wear very little clothing, choosing to have only a small cloak made from sea-shells strung together using strands of seaweed. This cloak is barely enough to cover the front and back side of his crotch area. Personality: The Otter Man is aggressive and animal-like in demeanor. Incapable of speaking, the Otter Man communicates using only a series of grunts and hand gestures. These gestures are simple and easily understandable, at least most of the time. Regardless, it takes a while to fully understand what the Otter Man is trying to communicate. He does not, for the most part, understand human speech or language. His understanding of technology by the most part is limited, though he does not see it as any sort of threat. Background: The Otter Man was raised by a pack of sea otters after his parents died in during a storm, their carriage struck by a bolt of lightning sending the vehicle swerving into the ocean. As it sank, a group of sea otters took notice, saving the child mistaking him as one of their own. The sea otters took The Otter Man back to their secret grotto. There, The Otter Man was raised. He learned the ways of the otter. The otters taught the young boy how to swim, how to hunt, and how to crack shells on his stomach. Living on sea food alone was hard on the ill-adjusted human body, but after a time, he had soon come to get used to it. The Otter Man was discovered by humans when he had already grown into a man. Those who found him tried to integrate The Otter Man into normal society. The Otter Man refused, preferring his home in the ocean. These humans have come to know him as "The Otter Man". It is unknown as to how The Otter Man acquired his powers, for he is incapable of actual speech. When asked, the only response is in the form of pantomimed gestures, which may point toward either divine intervention or radioactive waste= possibly both depending on interpretation. Equipment: None Powers: [indent]Arm Growth and Control: The Otter Man is capable of growing extra arms out of separate parts of his body, including his arms themselves. These arms are fully functioning with their own muscles. In addition, The Otter Man is capable of controlling these arms in as many ways as biologically possible. This includes making them longer, changing their temperature, or dulling their senses as long as they can still be considered arms. The Otter Man may also rip off his own arms while still maintaining the same control over it, so long as he has direct physical control of said arm. The Otter Man cannot, however, grow any other limb or organ. Should he lose a foot, the only thing his powers can do are stop the bleeding- even if that means growing an arm on his leg. These arms fall off in a day, leaving a scab-like patch where the arm once was. These is no limit as to how many arms The Otter Man can generate. Human Reversion: Having sustained multiple injuries, The Otter Man's body has the ability to slowly repair itself at a slightly faster rate than a normal human's- and through a slightly different process. While The Otter Man can instantly grow hands, any area with significant non-capillary bleeding grows an arm, which then falls off as the wound heals. The process of the wound healing, however, may take a full day. In addition, the only way an arms that can fully heal themselves in this way, are the two arms The Otter Man naturally had.[/indent][/hider]