[quote=AbigailTenshi] With her conscious finally returning into the real world, Rio's eyes began to flutter, but then she winced. The stinging pain from her right shoulder didn't disappear, but it did dull down slightly. Her left foot was also still aching from being hit by the Captain's Bakudo. However, all of the aches and pains weren't unbearable so Rio slowly began to sit upright, rubbing the back of her head where it hit the floor. she seethed under her breath. Her eyelids gradually raised, revealing her plum irises. Reclaiming her vision, she took the time to scan the room, remembering where she was. As her eyes landed on Captain Kuchiki, a quick smile took over her lips before she forced it to disappear and forced herself to stand up, making sure to mask the pain she felt as well as she could. she glanced down and tilted her head downwards when she felt the smile try to attack her straight face. once Rio fought away the smile, she lifted her face once more to glance up at her Captain, awaiting his next orders. [/quote] Kurisa watched Rio wake up and saw a smile appear on her face for a very little time before changing to an expression of seriousness but Kurisa's expression remained the same for the entire time he looked at her. "You should go rest now Rio..." Kurisa then turned and walked to the exit of the room then stopped before getting there and spoke "I was just doing what a Captain should do...there is no need to thank me...now I must go return to my office to finish my paperwork..." Kurisa then exited the room and made his way to his office to finish his paperwork that had likely built up already...