[hider=WIP] [img]https://p.gr-assets.com/540x540/fit/hostedimages/1379799253/651965.jpg[/img] " Memories are like...bullets that never go out. " [hr] Name: Aiden Theo Miller Age: 22 Gender: Male Height: 5'4 Weight: 128.3lb Ethnicity: Caucasian Sexuality: Questionable Religion: Agnostic Athiest Occupation: Barista Ability: Memory | Aiden's power is basically memory control, Aiden is able to use his memories to use on others. Let's say that if Aiden was in a car wreck, Aiden would be able to project his pain onto the target. Not only can he project feelings through his power but he can also manipulate memories, though to an extent. Memory erasing is...simplistic, he chooses his target and goes within the targets mind to find a certain memory he wants to erase and during the process of him erasing the memory; time is stopped to Aiden's perspective, allowing him to go inside the targets memory and temporarily erasing the opponents memory. ( Memories can only be erased whenever the target is unconscious...) Memories can also be sensed, viewing through the targets memory as it is being created...being an excellent whenever easedropping. But if the target is hurt mentally and physically Aiden can feel those emotions and as well feel what the target is feeling, Aiden can do most of these from afar other than erasing memories. Personality: (How does your character act) Background: (Their story) [/hider]