Screeching tires sounded faintly from the valley below. Surely a human was either in an accident or just narrowly avoided one. There were still vampires about. Mithias could sense them, and they were likely wounded or hungry. The only safe human location was probably the Soldier base, and Mithias himself had proven that not to be impenetrable. Mithias had contemplated his next move long enough. The others would find him eventually no matter where he went, so he needn't wait nor rush to reconvene. He was however, very curious about how Hank was making out at the base. He turned off the car and started moving on foot. He needed to get new information anyhow, and he could hear a great deal through walls even close to the base. He'd see what he could learn there. Sometime later, in the dead of night, the moist ground softening the sound of his already quiet steps, Mithias approached the base. He was surprised to find it fairly unguarded. Most the lights were still damaged, many cameras were sill broken, and large sections of wall were not being patrolled. It appeared as though most of the Soldier agents had left... or were dead, and not even the Purge had moved in to replace them. Mithias lept up and climbed the wall, allowing himself a cautious stroll inside the darkened compound. Faint voices began to fill his sensitive ears, the hum of electronics, footfalls could be felt through the walls as humans traversed the upper levels of buildings next to him. Soldier wasn't completely abandoned. After listening around the headquarters, Mithias frowned. He wasn't hearing anything about Hank or nuclear codes. Where did that child of his actually run off to? It didn't sound like Soldier had executed him. In fact, it didn't sound like Soldier had heard report from him at all. If only he could read minds, or cast an illusion over himself, or control a human through a wall or something, then he could ask for specifics. Alas, the great and powerful immortal was stuck relying on conventional means for information. How he wished he had kept at least one inside informant at Kilo Point. When KP fell, the vampires would take it, fortify it, stock it, and keep it as a home and center of operations for their expanding domination. But how long would it last? Could they hold an entire country under their rule? Who would be their king? Would the damn nukes ruin everything?