It seems like we've bitten off more than we can chew at this point. Our summoner couldn't find his teleportation spell, the zombies got some sort of increased strength, and to top it all off, a dark esper decided to show up to this little town. [i]Well, this is horrible... how are we supposed to stop that thing? No... I can't think like that. I can't just give up. I don't know whether this thing is weak to anything or not, and I don't know how resistant it is to magic, and I'm probably better off not knowing, considering how powerful espers tend to be in general but I have to at least TRY. I can't just let this town get invaded because of a single new enemy.[/i] I think as this 'Robin' character and the summoner converse about this. I then finally decide to speak, oddly enough, to Robin "So, my gut was right, after all. You strangers HAVE been through this before. You know how to fight these things, and how to fight them in hordes like this," I then ask "What would do you think we should do? I mean, I suppose I could tell you more about the dark esper, but all you really need to know is that they're powerful, and ancient. That being said, they can, and have been defeated in the past," regardless of his response, I decided to try to attack the esper, alternating between fire and thunder spells just to try to see which one would do more, if either. The esper... it won't go down this easily, but I'm sure there's a way we can destroy it. [hr] SPD: 10 (5 actions) Speak and listen to Robin and the summoner (1 action) [b]11 LCK[/b] Fire spells, alternating between fire and thunder, at the dark esper. (4 actions) [b]5 SKL[/b], [b]17 MAG[/b]