Dimitri let out a heavily exaggerated sigh as he stepped behind the gate. He should have expected Brett to get down to brass tacks the moment he laid eyes on his partner, "[b]Hey Dimitri, how have you been? How was your trip? Why thank you for asking, i'm doing fine and the trip was lovely. Saw the sights, shot people, got shot at. You know the deal.[/b]" The bounty hunter said sardonically as he entered the garage. Both he and Brett had reputations that preceded them, however the difference in their lifestyles had lead to the two having different levels of infamy, as well as attitudes and methods. Brett was always a bit more serious and brutal than Dimitri, he needed to be considering he took bounties on a slightly more local level than Dimitri, that meant he was well known in the area and had to resort to methods viewed as extreme even in the wastelands. Dimitri on the other hand was more laid back and focused on being crafty rather than outgunning the opposition when it came to how he did his work, his lifestyle had afforded him the luxury of some anonymity in most other states in exchange for the luxury of having a home. As it currently stood, the only places where Dimitri was more easily recognized were Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia, and it was only due to the fact that he would frequently pass through those states as he attempted to work his way down the bible belt. "[b]You know, some would find your lack of personal greetings to be rude.[/b]" Dimitri said rather bluntly as he tossed the string of fingers onto the computer desk and unceremoniously flopped onto the floor. Dimitri stifled a yawn and stretched, hoping the action would disguise the shakes he was getting from ant nectar withdrawal as a shudder from the stretching.