[hider=Alexander Mackey][h3][b]|REAL IDENTITY|[/b][/h3] [b]NAME:[/b] Alexander "Alex" Mackey [b]AGE:[/b] 35 [b]GENDER:[/b] Male [b]APPEARANCE:[/b] Standing six feet two and weighing a good 180 pounds, Alex is well enough built of a man for some women to call him a stud. He has brown eyes and a head of shoulder length, shaggy brown hair, with a long, thick nose and thin lips. His hands are big and thick yet soft and gentle, belying his calm, gentle nature. He normally dresses simply, often wearing a tee-shirt, plain blue jeans and sneakers underneath a dark green apron when he's at work. However, he will never be seen without his signature [b]silver signet ring[/b] on his right index finger. This ring is decorated with a kite shield on its front, and engraved on the shield are the coat of arms of his ancestors; clockwise from the top left, a gothic cross, an eagle, a castle tower and a sword. He also has a [b]silver chain[/b], on which dangles a [b]locket[/b] with a family picture inside it, whose case is engraved with an [b]ornate castle tower[/b]. [b]OCCUPATION:[/b] Grocer [b]LOCATION:[/b] London, England [b]FAMILY/FRIENDS/OTHER:[/b][list] [*]Robert "Bob" Mackey - Father, [b]deceased[/b]; [i]the father of the Mackey twins, Bob was a grand man, "descended from a line of Arthurian knights", so he claims. Together with his wife, Arwen, he was part of the superhero duo dubbed the "Knights Anglais", with his name being Excalibur. They fought crime in the UK for many years before being discovered by the Third Division and subsequently being recruited by them. His powerset was that of energy and matter manipulation, making him an immensely powerful super who could crush and destroy with ease. After Alex and Shirley came of age and developed powers of their own, he initiated them into the Knights, thus forming the power group of the coat of arms depicted on much of their imagery. He was killed late into the life of the twins after he and his wife were caught off-guard by a sniper hired by anti-super revolutionaries while visiting Cairo on vacation with the family.[/i] [*]Arwen Mackey - Mother, [b]deceased[/b]; [i]Arwen was the mother of the Mackey twins and the wife of Robert. She possessed the power of sound manipulation and took the name of Banshee, as her powers allowed her flight similar to the Marvel hero of the same name. Along with her husband, she was part of the Knights Anglais, and together they fought crime in the UK for many years before being discovered by the Third Division and subsequently being recruited by them. She too was killed later in life, by the same gunman, alongside her husband while in Cairo on vacation, both husband and wife long since retired from crime-fighting. They left behind a legacy of sorts in their children, though this has mostly gone unnoticed due to the lives they have led since they left the Division.[/i] [*]Shirleen Mackey - Sister, [b]alive and well[/b]; [i]Shirleen, or Shirley, is Alex's twin sister. More details on her can be found on her sheet below.[/i] [/list] [b]ABILITIES/STRENGTHS:[/b][list] [*]Immovable Object - Alex can, [b]when standing still with BOTH his feet firmly planted on the ground[/b], root himself in place to prevent himself from moving. Nothing, not even the strongest force, can move him from where he roots himself. Only when [b]his foothold is shaken or he loses balance[/b] does this power deactivate. [*]Super Strength - Alex possesses the strength of several hundred men, and can easily lift a small bus with little difficulty, jump as high as a small building and run faster than most humans can, [b]though not as fast as those with super speed.[/b] [*]Iron Skin - By virtue of his defense-based powers, Alex also possesses a superhuman tough skin, akin to Colossus in terms of durability. It's not metallic, of course, but it allows him to survive most attacks by [b]unpowered[/b] individuals. Of course, things like RPGs or explosives or attacks from [b]powered[/b] individuals can break past his defenses to do him damage. [*]Power Channel - Discovered mostly due to experimentation with his sister, Alex is able, to a certain degree, to absorb and redirect most [b]energy-based powers[/b] thrown at him, things like fireballs, beams, electricity and the like. If they are weak enough to not cause him severe injury, he is able to absorb them and then redirect them either back at his aggressor or somewhere else. However he can only use this [b]when rooted[/b] as an Immovable Object. He likes to use this most in conjunction with his sister, as she can fire lasers and light beams at him and have him redirect her attacks at other foes out of her reach. [*]Green Thumb - Years spent growing his own vegetables and produce has made both the Mackey twins very adept at growing whatever they fancy. No powers involved, just lots of patience and love for plants. [*]Street Smart - Having spent many years on the streets of London as a vagrant, Alex knows the ins and outs of street life, and is very savvy on what lowlifes and thugs do and how they do it. [/list] [b]VICES/WEAKNESSES:[/b] Booze and cigarettes, mostly. Alex is also a school dropout, so he is mostly home educated and has much to learn about higher subjects like sciences or advanced mathematics. [b][u]BACKSTORY[/u][/b] Alex and Shirley were born in London, England, to Robert and Arwen Mackey in the summer of 1989. Almost identical twins save for their genders, they both shared many things growing up in life; a school, teachers, similar hobbies and the like. However, what they didn't share was personality; Alex was cooler, calmer and more gentle, while Shirley was hot-headed, aggressive and fierce. Both siblings, however, were very protective of each other, evidenced by how close they were growing up. But where Shirley excelled in her studies, Alex didn't. In their teens, Alex dropped out of school due to bad grades and spent a lot of his time on the streets, wandering around, getting into trouble and trying not to get caught. This was when he first caught wind of his powers of strength, endurance and defense, though he kept them a firm secret from anyone he knew, even his sister. Eventually his antics were reigned in by his father and he was slowly put on a home-schooling program, his mother being his teacher. He kept his powers a secret even from them, though this particular secret was badly kept as his folks caught wind very quickly of their son's potential. When they both came of age, Alex and Shirley were introduced to the world of superhumans and their powers. It was no surprise that their parents were supers, of course, and they trained the twins on the use of their own powers; Alex of his immense strength and endurance, and Shirley of her light manipulation. After grasping the uses of their powers, their folks let them enter the Knights Anglais, the superhero team they'd founded themselves. The family of supers took to crime-fighting with ease, keeping their efforts across the UK low-key while maintaining their day lives as the family behind a small grocery store in downtown London. When WWIII came around, however, Robert and Arwen left their children behind as they were recruited to the Third Division. Not wanting their impressionable kids to experience the horrors of war, they left them behind in London and fought for years, until 2006 when the Third disbanded. When that happened, they returned home much to the joy of their children, who had been keeping the family business alive until their eventual return. In 2010, while on vacation in Cairo with the family, Alex bore witness to his parents' deaths by the hand of a single sniper. Caught by surprise, it only took two bullets to completely destroy the family, leaving him and his sister to pick up the pieces as they returned to London. The sniper was later found to have been a revolutionary that bore grudges against supers, and took the opportunity to send a message to the worldwide super community with the killings. Alex and Shirley briefly spent time within the Fourth Division as the brother-sister duo Sword and Shield, though without their parents, the superhero life felt empty, devoid of the life it once had. In 2015 they left the Division and returned to London, resuming their business as simple grocers, to which they have been to this day. [b]DIVISIONS BELONGING TO:[/b] Fourth Division, for a time until he left with his sister. [h3][b]|SUPERHERO//PERSONA|[/b][/h3] [b]NAME/TITLE:[/b] Sciath, The Tower [b]APPEARANCE:[/b] In his identity as Sciath, Alex is normally clad in a navy blue flat cap and a black domino mask, mostly concealed by his shaggy hair. He wears a white turtleneck shirt underneath a brown trench coat that's normally left open. The length of chain that serves as his weapon is normally wrapped around his left arm. On his legs he wears a pair of beige cargo pants and steel-toed boots. On his hands are a pair of black leather driving gloves. [b]TOOLS/WEAPONS:[/b][list] [*]A length of heavy-duty chain that serves as both his primary weapon and a [b]power focus[/b] for his Power Channel ability stated above. Through the chain, he is able to fire out the powers he's absorbed. [*]His fists and feet, naturally. [/list] [b]TRADEMARKS:[/b][list] [*]The [b]coat of arms[/b] mentioned above, displayed both on his signet ring and on the back of his coat. [*]His long trench coat itself, emblazoned with the family coat of arms, is a symbol of the family and team he used to hail from. [*]The tattoo of an [b]ornate castle tower[/b] on the left side of his neck. [/list][/hider] [hider=Shirleen Mackey][h3][b]|REAL IDENTITY|[/b][/h3] [b]NAME:[/b] Shirleen "Shirley" Mackey [b]AGE:[/b] 35 [b]GENDER:[/b] Female [b]APPEARANCE:[/b] Standing a mere five feet five inches tall and weighing 155 pounds, Shirley is much smaller than her brother is. Her hair and eyes are the same shade of brown, and her hair is long and curly, flowing past her shoulders. She regularly keeps her hair tied in a ponytail and shares the same fashion sense as her brother, dressing simply in a blouse or shirt, jeans and shoes when at work or out. She too has a [b]signet ring[/b] worn on her left index finger, though a smaller one for her dainty hands. The [b]bronze chain[/b] she wears also has a [b]locket[/b] on it, on which is engraved a [b]Roman gladius[/b] and contains a picture of her family. [b]OCCUPATION:[/b] Grocer [b]LOCATION:[/b] London, England [b]FAMILY/FRIENDS/OTHER:[/b][list] [*]Robert "Bob" Mackey - Father, [b]deceased[/b]; [i]Robert was her father. More information can be read in Alex's sheet above.[/i] [*]Arwen Mackey - Mother, [b]deceased[/b]; [i]Arwen was her mother. More information can be read in Alex's sheet above.[/i] [*]Alexander Mackey - Brother, alive and well; [i]Alex is Shirley's twin brother. More information on him can be read in the sheet above.[/i] [/list] [b]ABILITIES/STRENGTHS:[/b][list] [*]Light Manipulation - Shirley is able to manipulate all forms of light, be it UV or infra-red or microwaves, she can handle it. It can be weaponised by way of firing or creating laser beams, creating bright bursts of light to disorientate, or creating focused beams of light to superheat targets. Defensively, she can create shields of light to block incoming attacks or sheath herself in an absence of light, making her invisible to the naked eye. [*]Agile - By virtue of her powers being extremely adaptable, Shirley has trained herself to be just as such, taking gymnastics and parkour classes to keep her body fit to traverse any surface or cross any obstacle that her brother can't throw her over. [*]Keen Eye - Shirley has also trained her innate ability of observation, picking up on subtle details on the environments or on foes quicker than most. Not superhuman, just well-trained. [/list] [b]VICES/WEAKNESSES:[/b] Shirley is quite light (geddit), for one, making her horrible in strength-based fights. Her powers are also quite situational: at night she is essentially a lighthouse, making her powerset useless for stealthy encounters or night-time escapes. [b][u]BACKSTORY[/u][/b] Alex and Shirley were born in London, England, to Robert and Arwen Mackey in the summer of 1989. Almost identical twins save for their genders, they both shared many things growing up in life; a school, teachers, similar hobbies and the like. However, what they didn't share was personality; Alex was cooler, calmer and more gentle, while Shirley was hot-headed, aggressive and fierce. Both siblings, however, were very protective of each other, evidenced by how close they were growing up. While Alex became a dropout, Shirley excelled in her studies, taking a special interest in advanced physics as she moved on from public schooling to tertiary education. It was during her classes that she discovered her powers of light manipulation. This only fueled her desire to learn, and she took special classes to learn about particle physics, building up her knowledge about her powers. After she graduated, she returned home to support her family in their grocery shop and her brother in his studies, though her powers were a badly-kept secret from her folks, much like her brother. When they were both young adults, Alex and Shirley were introduced to the world of superhumans and their powers. It was no surprise that their parents were supers, of course, and they trained the twins on the use of their own powers; Alex of his immense strength and endurance, and Shirley of her light manipulation. After grasping the uses of their powers, their folks let them enter the Knights Anglais, the superhero team they'd founded themselves. The family of supers took to crime-fighting with ease, keeping their efforts across the UK low-key while maintaining their day lives as the family behind a small grocery store in downtown London. When WWIII came around, however, Robert and Arwen left their children behind as they were recruited to the Third Division. Not wanting their impressionable kids to experience the horrors of war, they left them behind in London and fought for years, until 2006 when the Third disbanded. When that happened, they returned home much to the joy of their children, who had been keeping the family business alive until their eventual return. In 2010, while on vacation in Cairo with the family, Shirley saw and failed to act against the gunman that killed both her parents in an act of rage. Caught by surprise, it only took two bullets to completely destroy the family, leaving her and her brother to pick up the pieces as they returned to London. The sniper was later found to have been a revolutionary that bore grudges against supers, and took the opportunity to send a message to the worldwide super community with the killings. Alex and Shirley briefly spent time within the Fourth Division as the brother-sister duo Sword and Shield, though without their parents, the superhero life felt empty, devoid of the life it once had. In 2015 they left the Division and returned to London, resuming their business as simple grocers, to which they have been to this day. [b]DIVISIONS BELONGING TO:[/b] Fourth Division for a time, until she left with her brother. [h3][b]|SUPERHERO//PERSONA|[/b][/h3] [b]NAME/TITLE:[/b] Gladio, Beacon [b]APPEARANCE:[/b] When masquerading as Beacon, Shirley wears a pair of aviator shades on her face, with her hair tied up in a bun held in place by two long, thin hairpins. She keeps the lower half of her face hidden by wearing a turtleneck shirt with the neck pulled up over her nose, underneath a navy blue hooded jacket. Her hands are adorned with fingerless biking gloves, and she wears loose jeans and running shoes on her legs and feet. Shirley regularly leaves the hood of her jacket up over her head. She also wears her sword and its sheath on the left side of her waist, clipped to her jeans. [b]TOOLS/WEAPONS:[/b][list] [*]Her hands, often used as focuses for her light beams. She likes to have her hands in the shape of handguns, since the idea of "finger guns" firing actual laser beams amuses her. [*]A replica Roman gladius, picked up from a metalworker in London. The sword is used by her as a [b]power focus[/b], often being used to fire sword beams or detonate bursts of light. [/list] [b]TRADEMARKS:[/b][list] [*]Her sword, of course, as a symbol of her heroine identity. [*]The coat of arms emblazoned on the back of her hood.[/list][/hider]