Logan awoke after one of the most fitful nights of sleep he'd had in a long time. The bed was not the source of his discomfort, if anything it surely was the closest thing to sleeping on a cloud in Olympus. Nor was it the slight stiffness in his muscles after last night's frustrations that disrupted his slumber. It was the first time, in a long time, that he'd slept alone. Last night, he was down at the tavern after putting the horses to bed, as usual for a bachelor like him. It had seemed the woman that would be accompanying him would be Laura, a very buxom brunette with whom he'd spent many a night. But it was not to be, for Isabella's brother came rushing in, saying that his sister's horse, a chestnut mare named Star, had fled when they were trying to put her away for the night. Logan already knew the reason why, the horse was thunder-shy. She had been ever since she was a foal. Logan had raised her, and always made sure to bring her in if there was even a hint of a storm to come, and would stay all night keeping her as calm as possible. Then Isabella's father bought her, and he knew it wouldn't be a good fit. Isabella was a sweet girl, very lively and always ready for a roll in the hay, but there wasn't much going on between her ears. He'd told her time and time again how to properly care for Star, and did she listen? Evidently not. So that led the two of them on his horse, Leo, trying to find Star in the wilderness before the storm struck. Just as he'd found her tracks, the rain came in buckets, so he sent Leo back home, Isabella stop him, knowing his horse was more than smart enough for such a simple task. He eventually found poor Star, she'd fallen down a steep drop off, and lay there among the stones, unable to lift herself with her broken legs. Logan had climbed down the precipitous slope, calming the scared horse with his soothing voice and touch. And when she was finally relaxed, he put her down with a large rock to the skull. He'd hated that it had come to that, but he wasn't about to let her agonize for hours. He even hated Isabella for causing this, and knew she'd seek him out later for consoling. He'd rebuke her, hurt her feelings, let her see one of the other girls being chosen before her. She deserved it. However, the damnable storm got him all turned around, and her ended up lost. Eventually he'd found a path, that led to a road, that led him to the well known Sinclair Mansion. The door was opened by a gentleman that begged him entry from the storm, and to stay and ride out the weather. Logan wearily nodded, listened to the house rules and was escorted to bed. Awake now, he was rather surprised to see his clothes folded and laundered, stacked neatly in the day chair. He sighed a bit, disappointed that he'd missed a chance to see if that servant was a lovely lass or not. After getting dressed, Logan's mind immediately went to his daily habits. Feed the animals, then yourself. He began winding his way through the home, trying to remember the path to the front door, for he was sure he'd seen a barn the night before. All the while, he stomach growled as the smell of food neared.