[@Voltus_Ventus] You're accepted. Note that you're Navy's over-specialized, though. It's kind-of like the RP equivalent of min-maxing; while you'll be really great at submarine warfare, you've got weaknesses in other areas, like your air force and surface ships (landing and support craft come to mind especially). However, that's not an OOC issue, that's one that will end up being worked out IC. I expect, in other words, that someone will at some point complain about how completely imbalanced your Navy is, and I'd like to point out to that future person that said imbalance can be leveraged against said Navy. Anyway, yay! Posts! Things are progressing and that makes me happy! [url=https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-xBldcRyy-Os/T0uPPXo_gKI/AAAAAAAAAQo/di__oIaTqHM/s1600/cupcakes.jpg]Cupcakes for everyone![/url]