[h3]Story:[/h3] [img]http://khongthe.com/wallpapers/abstract/fantasy-lives-within-the-world-41.jpg[/img] Welcome to the Aura Region, fortress of the Aura Guardians during the Old Times and the last bastion of hope during the Rise of the Chaos Poke'mon. However 1329 years on and all but a handful of Aura Guardians remain in existence - scattered. You, young and inexperienced trainers have recently arrived in the Aura Region for one sole purpose. The 1330th Aura Region Championships which are due to start in two mouths time. However, a evil force lingers in the background, the Aura Crystals (in which the natural flowing aura energy condenses to form crystals) are slowing being tainted to create a much sinister form known as Quantum Crystals. Is this a mere phenomenon that will pass in time, or is it a prologue to a much darker plan? [h3]Rules:[/h3] 1. Remember that you are a new trainer, you will not have access to extremely rare Poke'mon (there will be chances for that later), on top of that your Poke'mon will not be S-Class fighters. 2. No Power Gaming 3. No extreme profanity of sexual themes. 4. If battles can not be resolved between players of a ‘Play to Lose’ basis the GM will auto resolve it. [h3]CS:[/h3] Name: Age Gender: Appearance: Back-story: Poke'mon (Max 6): Poke'mon Back-story (if any): [h3]Basic Map and Areas of Interest [/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/R2umB5k.png[/img] [b]Red[/b] Aura City and Ka'bol Island: City Centre is an Urban Built Metropolis. The outskirts are mountainous peeks. Crystal Caves. Crystal Mountain. [b]Blue[/b] Ter'mi Island: Swampy Bogs, No Known Settlements, Secret Guardian Training Temple (abandoned). [b]Green[/b] Sunrise Island: Quantum Tech Industries HQ, Dry Plains, Small Town, Quantum Factories. [b]Yellow[/b] Fa'bek Island: Large Mining Complex, Quantum Tech Testing Facility (OFF LIMITS TO NON-STAFF), Strange Shrines. [b]Black[/b] Dusk Island: Druid Site, small tribal village. [b]White[/b] Titan Bay: Major Shipping Port, Closed of settlements. Temple of the Guardians.