ooooh sounds cool so far. so kinda like a boggart idea? that sounds interesting, but it means you're gonna have to be mostly reactive and waiting for other people to tell you what to turn into all the time, unless i'm totally misinterpreting this. i'm probably misinterpreting this. oh wait so instead of boggart would it be just growing in general via fear rather than turning into the object of fear? that would be easier for you to work with probably. also would his transformation be permanent each time, or would there be some sort of reset button/cool down period for him to revert to normal person size/shape (which i personally think would be the better call)? also he'd need some way to initiate the fear. i mean, if you have people like aya who are easier to scare and have more support oriented powers, then sure it'll be pretty easy to overpower them and take advantage of their fear, but people like sebastian or edge? good luck. i guess the thing to do would be to 'level grind' on the weaker characters first before going for the boss battles. idk, i might be completely off the mark with all this. that's always a very real option. i'm really digging the horror movie vibe so far, though.