[img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_-TrHGtGzZBQ/TNGil4Yh0rI/AAAAAAAABsA/PpjXyqk7KvM/s400/green+eyes.jpg[/img] Name: Thomas Mitchell Nickname: Tommy Age:22 Personality: Tommy tires to make friends with everyone that he can meet. He is not picky about who and always tries to be smiling. He comes from a military family so he is a bit tight lipped at time. He never always tries to fix different issues. Tommy works his hardest to be everyone best friend but has no trouble with fighting should it be needed. Additional Information: Tommy's father seems to be involved with something highly classified and Tommy has no idea what he does and for some reason that scares him. Skills: Decent with hand to hand combat. Decent driver Scared of tight spaces.