[CENTER][hr][H1]VIGILANCE[/H1][hr][H3][I]To Whom Much Is Given[/I][/H3] [B]| GM: [I][URL=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/lord-wraith][color=white]Lord Wraith[/color][/URL][/I] | Genre: [I]Superhuman, Modern Fantasy[/I] | Type: [I]Linear, Sandbox[/I] |[/B] [I]"Everyone to whom much was given, of them much will be required;" ~Luke 12:48[/I][/CENTER] [hr][CENTER][B]| [I]PREMISE:[/I] |[/B][/CENTER][hr] [INDENT]During the dawn of the early twentieth century a new species of humanoid emerged. These new humans displayed feats previously thought to be impossible to achieve. The 'Hyperhumans' possessed a unique gene, dubbed the 'Hype-Gene' which upon awakening altered the host's DNA to accomendate the body's increased abilities. As scientific knowledge grew, Hyperhumans and Humans were determined to in fact be two separate species, the Hyperhuman being the next step in humanity's evolutionary chain. By 1938, several specimens had been found by obsessive and fanatical scientists who began researching and experimenting on Hyperhumans. This led to Hyperhumans being quarantined and further experimented on, most notably in Germany where Adolf Hitler used the Hyperhuman scare to push his personal agenda forward, most notably using genocide to cover the horendous experiments happening under his orders. Along with numerous others, suspected Hyperhumans were rounded up into concentration camps and subjected to cruel treatments and inhuman experiments. In 1945, when the Manhatten Project was unleashed upon Japan, an unseen shockwave would soon be felt around the world. The radiation released by the Atom Bomb permeated through the cells of millions around the world irradiated the genetic material of the current generation. This irradiated genetic material lead to the next generation being born with more active 'Hype-Genes' than ever before. These 'jump-started' 'Hype-Genes' resulting in a spike of Hyperhumans across the globe though with a specific concentration in North America. This incident became known as the 'Era of Hyperhumans' spanning nearly four decades from the late 50's to the mid 90's. However in 1999, all traces of Hyperhumans mysteriously disappeared. Masked heroes and terrifying criminals were gone seemingly over night and the world returned to a state of relative normalcy. For the city of New Lilith, it was highly regarded as a tragedy. During the late 1930's, the city's underworld had been united and taken over by a Roman Locke who quickly crew his criminal empire and enslaved most of the city. However duing the 'Hyperhuman Era' a group of heroes rose up and toppled the crime lord off his lofty throne. These heroes endeavored to improve the world becoming recognized as national heroes but then, they too simply disappeared. Now the world has moved past the days of heroes with only a few smiling on it fondly while most are glad to be done with the 'madness'. There are those however who wish to bring the Hyperhumans back, and will stop at nothing in order to replicate the original effects.[/INDENT] [CENTER]INTERESTED? FOLLOW THE [URL=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/84155-vigilance-to-whom-much-is-given-recruiting/ooc]LINK![/URL][/CENTER]