Okay! A little bit late but I got there in the end. To catch up: our favourite band of unlucky survivors are more or less [b]surrounded by walkers[/b], save the little path Chris and Tony just created. [b]Weeping Mama[/b] is dead and gone and we'll all feel guilty about that later. (I see more Chris/Cat conflict in the future!) One of the two [b]Runners is still alive[/b] and probably engaging Mercy, Kaylah, Cat and Dog. They just have to kill him, break through a little wall of undead and they're home free. Chris and Tony are going to try hacking their way through said wall of undead. Just to make it even harder, Tony has left his pistol on the ground somewhere near the other four. Also a little note, feel free to assume minor actions my characters might take if you need to get your characters or the plot moving for any reason, or hit me up with a question if you're unsure. I'm thinking we should be up in the maintenance hallways by the end of this round of posts.