[center][img]http://img12.deviantart.net/7d7d/i/2015/154/f/c/roherik_by_las_t-d5p5v5e.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Chester B. Arnold [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Crew Position:[/b] Infiltrator [b]Race:[/b] Hooman. [b]Appearance:[/b] 5'11 tall, roughly 200 pounds. Chester sports a muscular but fit build making him have a rather slender look. His hair is a shining blond and his eyes are piercingly golden, his has a bronze hue from all of the hours in the sun. He's what many would call 'pretty' and 'handsome' which he uses to his full advantage whenever he can. Dressing nicely is one of his fortes, and will forgo food or water for clothes and rum if coin is tight. [b]Personality:[/b] The most notable part about Chesters personality is the look in his eye, the way he walks and how his breath smells. His entire being reeks of alcohol, sometimes he can barely walk straight or keep his eyes fully open. Slurring is also common practice and getting into trouble is even more common. While he is always absolutely wasted, he is still both intellectual and witty, but sometimes these traits are diminished by the grog in his veins. He's a trickster who likes messing with people and going against what he's told. What he has in charm he lacks in discipline which was the reason he was kicked out of the Navy's Marine Corps when he was a private. A Casanova he's chasing skirts and bellis to buy himself another drink, and they're not mutually exclusive. While he does seem to be a fun guy who only enjoys drinking and women, he can be quite crude and has been known to be quite the interregator with his knife and devil fruit power. [b]Backstory: [/b] Suckmydick. (AKA WIP.) [b]Long Term Ambition:[/b] Find One Piece and drink from it, as he is convinced that One Piece is the greatest grog in the world. [b]Medium Term Ambition:[/b] Repay his debts to the mobster Don Calliote. [b]Devil Fruit:[/b] Chester has eaten the Phase Phase fruit and is now a intangible human. With the fruit's powers he is able to make himself, objects and potentially even other people that are in contact with him go through solid objects such as metals, wood and earth. However, while phasing he's not unable to move, allowing him to clear quite a lot of distance by going through objects. His powers allows him to only phase through foreing objects, which thus prevents him from leaving something inside of a object, like for instance becoming tangable inside of a wall, or putting his hand into someone's skull and breaking their brain, but still being able to phase foreign objects out of himself, such as bullets or poison. [b]Fighting Style:[/b] He mostly backstabs people, using his fruit to gain the advantage in whatever way he can. [b]Notable Equipment:[/b] Tanto and a katana. He also carries a bronze necklace around his neck that has special meaning to him. [b]Skills:[/b] Flirting; Charm and wit makes him a great flirt, able to earn the favor of most. Navigation; He's a pretty decent navigator, when he's sober enough to tell north from south. Marine Tactics; His training as a marine private has given him insight into the Navy's strategies, allowing him to avoid capture.[/center]