George checked his phone once more and gave himself a small nod. His squad was in place. Coulson had called up George a alerted him of his new mission. Apparently some cult called, originally, the Cult of Black Magic. According to SHIELD's information the cult was run by a guy who called himself Spawn. And Spawn claims he's the son of their dead Goddess the Witch Queen. Apparently they had lived during the time of ancient Egypt. George was willing to believe the Witch Queen's body was that old, but despite everything, he still wasn't willing to believe in ancient Egyptian resurrection spells. Still, Strange had contacted Coulson and told him that the Cult had stolen a legitimate magic tablet. Or pieces thereof. Three of the four pieces of tablet were no in the cult's possession. Strange, or Coulson, didn't inform George what the tablet did. But they did stress it would be bad. Taking that at face value he rounded up his new team and briefed them. He had then broken them into two squads. He took Sasha and Alice for his. And left Morphine with Jaime and Marc. It was his hope that having one new agent on each team would be balanced by the two experienced agents. He instructed Morphine to lead Squad B to location A, an old storage facility on the outskirts of Cairo. While his Squad, A, would take location B. A hotel in the middle of the city. George was having Alice run point on the Hotel. A pretty face was always handy with getting them past security. A single pretty lady was even better. George had Sasha scout out a good vantage point to cover Alice. If all went well, she'd go to the right room, 812, grab the tablet piece and be gone before anyone realized it. If not, George was the distraction. He tapped the All Go into the phone and sent the text. [See OP post for information about the Cult, the warehouse and the Hotel]