[center][b][color=cc3333]Flare[/color] - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/82270-r-a-t-s-rapid-assault-tactical-squad-superhero-turn-based-adventures/char#post-2754466]LINK[/url] [color=yellow][b]Energy:[/b] 8/10[/color] [color=00ff00]50[/color] / [color=00ccff]3[/color] / [color=ff0000]8[/color][/b][/center] [hr] Flare gave a sigh of relief now that that was finished. What appeared to be routine job of clearing out some bank robbers turned out to be much worse. Unfortunately it seemed that the culprits had still managed to get away with the money, but at least they had captured these two. Flare sighed and sat down idly snapping a flicker of fire into existence and staring at it, contemplating what he had learned about his powers. [hr] Actions -Recover and Level Up Flare has gained -Energy Sap -Flame Body -Fuel For the Fire -Warming Up -Logia-Type Hp is now 50, ATK is now 8, DEF is now 3