[quote=Kurisa] Shinji continued to watch Yu fight on and as great as he was doing there were faults here and there but he had to remember this was a Shinigami who just came from the academy so a perfect execution of hollow extermination was bound to be a bit much to ask for but Yu did have some good techniques. Shinji looked at the hollows and squinted slightly and suddenly the way they fought changed drastically...rather than acting as wild beasts they became co-ordinated and their attacks became planned out making this entire test and situation a great deal more difficult...this was where the test would get interesting [/quote] Yu then watched as three Hollows lunged at him which Yu dodged backwards, but then saw a fourth Hollow lunging over the other three. By the time Yu landed, it was too late to dodge, and the Hollows head slammed right into his body sending him flying but the time another Hollow caught him and slammed him onto the ground. Yu coughed up blood as he shunpoed away before it could squash him. He shunpoed away from all of them as he wiped the blood running down his head. " Crap they are working together now? Still quite a few of them too." Yu mumbled to himself as they walked towards him this time. He then grinned as he thought up a plan and shunpoed in the air between two of them, they both swung at him, yet he ducked and as both of the Hollow's fist collided, he quickly slashed through both of their heads, yet one Hollow struck him from behind and sent him flying towards another Hollows, but Yu used this speed to his advantage, and held his Shikai out in front of him, and rammed right into the Hollows head. Of course the hit from behind him hurt, but it did help him. [i] I should count myself lucky that these aren't Gillians.[/i] he then prepared himself for the few that remained.