[b]Who Can Save Max?[/b] Hey you guys, and this off-topic post went really inactive first, and I was wondering who could really save Max, and this was one of Geek Remixes theories so first off. Geek Remix says 'Samuel' which is the janitor in the school, and often bullied by the students in Blackwell. The doe was Rachael and Max's destiny was suppose to find Rachel's body so that Rachel can no longer be stuck and move to the afterlife implying that she died. If Max dies, who are we going to be playing as in this long journey of '[b]Life?'[/b] Samuel mentions that it's a sign of Max's destiny and she was given rewind time powers to probably save someone dead a long time ago in Blackwell's events, all we know is that the Prescott family started in 1903-2013. Anyone getting the reference here? Samuel knows also how Arcadia Bay feels, "Scared." Samuel says we all need to look out for each other, speaking of in Episode 4 Max will warn Victoria, even though what Max thought of Victoria, a mean person even warned her to stay AWAY from Nathan. Geek Remix also mentions that, the squirrels have been around, observing things most of the time. The origin of Shem'uel seems to be the heard or the name of God. Which I KNEW this had to deal with religion stuff. So probably Samuel will be to the scene, because he seems to always hear stuff around Blackwell. What do you think?