Kade drove down the roads, taking the turns that would put him on the gravel road that lead to his grandmothers house. the black and chrome Suzuki came around, taking the last turn on the gravel road, his back tire flinging gravel as he turned, that he had to slow down. thinking of his grandmother dead had caused him to tighten his grip, which caused the throttle to opened up more. when he came around the last bend, the the roof of the house could be seen, he slowed. there it was.. home. beige bricks with black shingles and red and white trim. it was more cottage looking then house, with its corner porch and the homely feel. [hider=The House] [img]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z80/DmnSpwn17/Witches%20of%20East%20End/oldhouse_zps9d8e3d4f.jpg[/img][/hider] he stopped in the drive. the yard held the same lawn statues, the old fake well house, and the bird baths. the lawn was in need of a mow and a good weed eating around the house, but it was still the same.. same sights, smells, sounds, which since it was tucked in a small secluded area, there wasnt nosey neighbors. shutting the motorcycle off, and the kickstand down he climbed off, taking a second to unhook his duffel, which he tossed onto his shoulder, he walked up to the house, and couldnt help the flash backs of him and his grandmother. walking up onto the porch, he reaching into his pocket for the keys, and sliding the key in the door then the deadbolt, the door was open and he stepped inside and for the first time there wouldnt be a greeting waiting for him or a warning about bringing anything covered in mud into her house or she'd tan his hide. just remembering it, he smiled and laughed, closing the door behind him, he sat his duffel against the stairs and began getting the house going again.