Fury’s right fist impacted with Kanitah in a crashing impact that sent the smaller warrior flying, at which point he unleashed his counter which seemed to involve a lot of flailing. Despite the relatively ineffective nature of kicking without anything to push off or any stability what-so-ever, Kanitah’s sheer strength advantage forced Fury to pull back rather than completing his combination. The end result was that Kanitah was able to flail all the way to the ground, where he would inevitably crash into the earth. The Fireen’s eyes narrowed as he pursued his foe to the ground, waiting for the moment when his foe’s momentum would drive him into the earth with a predatory glare. Considering he was spinning out of control on the way down it was unlikely he’d be catching himself, so Fury intended to capitalise on his disadvantage and pursue him, dropping down quickly after the warrior only a second behind him as the earth leapt up to embrace him. If he had been more adept with his energy abilities he might have been able to finish Kanitah then, but his options were limited and so once again he relied on brute force, ploughing down directly on top of Kanitah with an armoured boot to the spine or face, depending on how Kanitah landed. It was a potentially risky move, but Kanitah was disadvantaged so Fury was hoping he’d have significant time to land and drive his falling momentum into the already stricken man.