[b]Democracies 12th Exploration Fleet, In Transit to Outpost B9[/b] Admiral Lawrence Von Abend presided in the command bay of the [i]DHS Hidden Flame[/i], one of the greatest creations in Democracies history. The Tak'Wal class Carrier is the most durable and arguably most powerful in the Navy. With no broadsides and only a few nuclear torpedoes, it's most deadly weapon is it's fighters. The Ti'Fin class, the universal VoidFighter in the Democracies. With advanced sentient AI, powerful engines and a deadly set of weapons, the Ti'Fin had certainly earned its place. Of course, Lawrence was thinking nothing of the sort. His mind drifted towards his task up ahead. To find Outpost B9 and if possible, destroy it by any means necessary. It held the Democracies greatest secrets, high tech and dangerous technologies and most important of all, it did not follow the Rug Protocol. Whenever the President issues the order Code Black, the Rug Protocol is immediately in place. All Outposts outside of the perimeter of the Democracies must destroy the coordinates that will reveal where the Fay'Ran Jik system, the Shez'Di system and the Rik'R system are located. This reveals the problem. Code Black was supposed to never have been in effect and Rug Protocol stay an old relic of the past. No one expected that it would come into effect. Again, no one really expected the past couple of days to ever happen as well. With the mess the Vacuum caused, it was a wonder how the President sent a message to him quick enough in the first place. The Admiral snapped out of his musings, checking his fleet composition and strategies one last time. The 12th had one more dreadnought than other Fleets of it's class. The [i]DHS Might of the Poor[/i] was fresh out the docks, this was it's first voyage with the Fleet. It's captain was inexperienced, someone you never want to have in your fleet. The crew, unlike the captain, had been in multiple campaigns and hand picked from various ships. They were now flying the colours of the 12th, the signature blue and orange contrast. "Admiral, the Cruiser [i]Retribution[/i] is reporting problems with it's FTL drive. It's Flingshot Drives are fluctuating. The captain is asking permission for us to stop." Lawrence rubbed his brittle beard in thought. Whenever the heat of a Flingshot drive fluctuates it always means two things. The heat fluctuation is just some random event that will even out in a few minutes. That is usually the case. Though sometimes, Flinghshot drives have a tendency to make a bloody explosi- [h2]BANG![/h2] [b]Democracies 12th Exploration Fleet, Unknown Space[/b] The Cruiser [i]Retribution[/i] was a terrible loss for the 12th Exploration Fleet. And when a Flingshot Drive explodes, it tends to lead a Fleet in the wrong direction. Spending four days in Flingshot, they arrived in an Unknown location, in a system that none of them have seen before. [hider=Psssst Mihndar] (Pssst, [@Mihndar], this is your system by the way.) [/hider]