The Aura Region, a serine and tranquil land broken up by six island, which 1400 years have left its beauty untouched. Besides a few villages miles apart the only three metropolis cities resides directly in the centre of the main island. Trainers will journey through dense jungles, murky swamps and dry deserts. Aura City, the capital city, home of Quantum-Tech Industries, is hosting its 1330th Aura Region Championships. Trainers would arrive in the 3Km2 city in which high rises held advertisement billboards of various good and services, every ten minutes an advertisement for the Championships would dash across the screens, displaying a date two months from now. Perhaps it was best for new arrivals to check into a hotel and those already familiar with the city to seek some Gym in order to train. Or if they were feeling extremely brave, check out the rest of the Aura Region to see what secrets can be unlocked. [img][/img]