Edward watched, he watched and he learned. Stomper was using his baton today, uncharacteristic of his namesake but then again the baton itself had greater symbolism in its phallic glory as he beat down on the other in an alphas display of power. The lucky bastard stood with hands in pockets and memorized the muscle movements, how stomper framed his stance, the way the arm moved in the body armor while coming down. Every detail was given the same attention as trying to solve another magicians trick on stage. Then, beyond the scene, was everyone else. He watched to see who was reacting, guards and prisoners. Was anyone getting off on this display, was anyone looking away? He saw as someone dragged a new unconscious form into his cell after he had left. He'd probably miss chow time so Edward would have to do something about sneaking the newbie a bite of lunch if they got that far.[@Minimum]