Still a wip but heres what i got so far :) [B]| NAME: |[/B] [INDENT]Roman Petrovick [/INDENT] [B]| NICKNAME(S): |[/B] [INDENT] Rome, That gamer kid [/INDENT] [B]| ALIAS(ES): |[/B] [INDENT] Karma [/INDENT] [B]| ABILITIES: |[/B] [INDENT] Stage one- Roman can manipulate smaller items via telekinesis. (Keys, bookbags, books etc) lacking dexterity in his mental movement he can pretty much only fling things across the room or have items hover slowly for a short time. Headaches happen throughout the use of his power. Stage two- His power is slowly developing as his mental dexterity increases. (He can pickup a pencil and write with it using just his mind and a gesture) Headaches are still there but arent as bad, Roman will get dizzy if he uses it for too long. (Roughly 15 minutes) Stage three- He mastered small to medium sized objects and can slow or even bend the trajectory of a bullet if needed. He is back to square one with larger items. (Lockers, small cars and even people) Pushing pulling and lifting are the extent and only short bursts. No fatigue handling smaller objects but severe headaches and nosebleeding when dealing with larger ones. Stage four- Full mastery of powers able to handle objects as if he was moving them physically. Larger objects still need gestures to aid but he can lift two full sized vehicles and walk with them if he wanted. He cant lift himself and physically fly but he can lift something he is on (or in) and "ride" said object. Mind down mode- Under extreme stress or close to death his powers react wildly and uncontrollable. Items fly all around him and anybody in a somewhat close proximity is in severe danger. A severe emotional memory or stressfull situation can trigger this. Even while sleeping if he has a nightmare, he would often wake up with the place around him completely trashed, this setback grows more dangerous the more powerful his powers become. Weakness- Like any other human he is no stronger nor tougher than any other normal human. He still bleeds when cut and dies if bleeds too much. Disorienting devices like flashbangs or sound cannons render him almost powerless. During the first initial stages his powers take a huge toll on his mental state, headaches are a normal occurance, temporary blindness and dizzy spells and even internal bleeding if he pushes himself too far. [/INDENT] Weakness- Like any other human he is no stronger nor tougher than any other normal human. He still bleeds when cut and dies if bleeds too much. Disorienting devices like flashbangs or sound cannons render him almost powerless. During the first initial stages his powers take a huge toll on his mental state, headaches are a normal occurance, temporary blindness and dizzy spells and even internal bleeding if he pushes himself too far. [/INDENT] [B]| SAMPLE POST: |[/B] [INDENT] "Hey what are you doin Roman?-" "Shhh shut it Nadia!" Roman stuck his hand over his sisters mouth as he stuffed another box of toothpaste underneath his hoodie. A vengefull glare from Nadia came peering through her bright blue eyes and her wild and matted blonde hair. "You know this aint right... Karma will catch up with you." she whispered as she watched nervously over the store aisle for anybody to catch them. "If they catch you you can forget goin back to school, and mom will-" "-And mom will WHAT?!" Roman sneered back cutting off his little sister. "What? Stick another needle in her arm and forget we are even alive? Like what she does every day? Forget to pay the bills and leave us in a cold house with no heat or water while shes out screwing everybody to get her next fix?" Roman tucked in the toothpaste and proceeded to grab a handfull of granola bars from the other shelf. "She has a problem you know that, shes not well... After dads accident." Nadia quickly shut up when her brother gave yet another fierce glare. Talking about dad was off limits, it always got him fired up and this was not the time to bring that up. Instead she grabbed the granola bar from Romans hand and stuffed it in her shirt, Roman giving a suprised look as well as some slight dissapointment at how quickly she gave in. She was always the voice of reason yet even a fourteen year old girl can see the situation they were in. "You know im not going to let her keep doing this to us, my birthdays next month and once i turn eighteen im leaving and taking you with me..." Roman smiled attempting to fix the mood, he hated seeing her upset and the look on her face told it all. "Mom will be upset..." "Mom will understand! Shes got no choice!" Roman accidentally snapped back. Stuffing the last granola bar in his hoodie he took Nadia's hand and made his way for the convience stores canned goods. "HEY!" inches away from the canned peas sat an overweight indian man hunched over the counter looking eerily at the two trying to figure out what them two were up to. Both of them stopped dead in their tracks and looked up at the burly man. Their gaunt faces and faded oversized clothing told their story before they could say a word. "Well are you gonna buy something or just waste my time and electricity? Stores about to close and im sweating my ass in this heat waiting for you two to buy something already or get the fuck out." He sneered already knowing they had no money, figuring they could hang out here and waste his time. "Sorry, were leaving." Roman looked up at the guy with the most pathetic and innocent looking face he could muster, hopefully he would feel sorry and not give them lip next time. Grabbing his sisters hand he rushed towards the exit but as he pulled her hand the box of toothpaste slipped out and fell neatly by the mans feet. Looking up in disgust the man bolted forward reaching for Romans hoodie shaking everything loose. "You lil fucking thief ill cut your hands off!" "RUN NADIA RUN!" Roman screamed pushing the man into the aisle knocking canned carrots and peas everywhere. Nadia darted off out the convienence store as Roman wrestled with the man on the floor. As Roman dug his hands out of the mans shirt attempting to escape he heard the signature bell ring from the entrance followed by the sounds of a cars tires screaching and heart stopping THUNK... Romans eyes grew wide as he prayed it wasnt her. He stopped fighting and the second he let go a swift right hook cocked him in the left temple. Roman fell backward and hit the cold linoleum floor. Flat on his back he could see out of the corner of his eye just outside the store lay a lump of cloth and blonde hair laying lifeless on the ground with a man on a cell phone calling 911. The body still clutching a granola bar in her hand. [/INDENT] [B]| NOTES: |[/B] [hider=For those who need a visual interpretation][img][/img][/hider] (Coffee)