[quote=@IcePezz] [@Dragoknighte] I can understand that. My parents got me into gaming when I was young. Played the first Final Fantasy on the Nintendo, was big into Zelda, etc, But one of my dad's hobbies was always building pc's. Sierra was quite big back then, I remember Kings Quest was one of the first games they got me hooked on. I think the last one I played was 7 and by that time, I had, for the most part, moved onto other things :p [/quote] I played Myst from very early in my life, but as a young child none of it really registered. My first real experience of gaming was the original Xbox. I loved racing games when I was young, starting with Project Gotham Racing which came with the console. Now I can't stand racing games XD Western RPG's are my kind of thing now, though I enjoy playing other genres with friends.