She winced as she pulled the bandage tight on her abdomen, before tying it up neatly. That last match was no joke. Tigerman was very polite, but his sheer power was astounding, making it clear why he was called thus. It was by sheer luck she ducked his last clothespin move and followed up by a twisting enzuigiri, staggering him just barely enough to set up her Lunar Straight, ending the match in a pin as the opponent still lay dazed on the mat. How long was it since she had started wrestling? Catherine Bellaway had no idea, but she did know she was advancing through the ranks, as money from her winnings started piling up. Of course most of that was sent back home, but what was left over was still substantial. And to think she used to work cutting fruits for a living. Her family had even taken to watching her matches on TV whenever they can. She had learned a lot ever since she took up the name Tsukihime, and started learning all she could about eastern culture. Finally done with dressing her injuries, she exited the locker room. Catherine briefly wondered where to go for some food as she lightly fingered the bandaid on her face.