[quote=Zane620] Henry stared at the man who was silent for a bit as Henry looked at the ground awkwardly, he was wondering how his little joke could have went like this, so when the man spoke up it threw Henry through a loop. Henry thought to himself as Jyu introduced himself. Henry extended his hand and said. "My name is Henry Tobias. Nice to meet you Captain." Henry then looked down at his hand, and back up at Jyu wondering if he knew what a handshake was, if he didn't then Henry would look like an idiot. [/quote] Viole turned his attention back to the man, losing himself in the sky for a moment. He decided that he wanted to make it rain everyday, since its sight was so beautiful. Viole noticed the man extended his hand out to him and just stared at it blankly for a moment "...." He pulled a book out from his sleeve and quickly read a page "So a high five huh" He said, quietly to himself. He put the book away and gave Henry a high five "Nice to meet you Henry Tobias, its always nice to meet shinigamis of the Seireitei. What squad do you happen to be from?" Viole forgot that he wore a haori, or well something like a haori, and had to get used to being called captain.