Brielle smiled at his response to her words. With their handshake she felt as if their partnership was official. There was no turning back now. She had no intentions of leaving him and she knew he would respect her the same way. For a moment she had a vision of them clearing the game and going home. She had a feeling that they might be able to do this. At the very least they would give it everything they've got. She looked up at this strange woman dressed in black. She put one hand on her staff, watching the woman warily. She didn't intend to trust anyone in this game. After all people do unexpected things under extenuating circumstances. This game would put everyone on edge and push everyone to their limits. How did she know about Lutwin? She glanced at the book that she placed on the table but then looked up to watch her walk away. She looked back when West spoke and carefully picked up the book. She skimmed through the descriptions wide eyed. "This is incredible!" She paused, "But what if it's a fake? What if she's trying to get us killed?"