Raa'Kina, RK, and Avatar --- Raa continued to work on her task, her mind ignoring the gunfire and fighting, while she tapped her three fingers on the keyboard. Her helmet glared while flashes of gunfire barely registered to her. They were nothing but background noise at the moment. Click...clack...click. Her ears filled with RK's soothing voice as she counted down the loading time for the virus, going from 100% to 98% completion, still trickling down. Raa's attention was jolted when bullets impacted something outside the corner of her visor, her body jumped and head jerked to spot the shimmering barrier. Her heart had leapt into her throat and middle wormed in nervousness to see the bullet riddled wall. First thoughts went for Voira and Solares, her head imagining a feverish picture of the pair being hunched over and dead. It frightened her. Enough she started to shift away before RK snapped into her ear piece. "Raa'Kina nar vas Rannoch! Get back to that console and help me get this virus uploaded!" Raa paused and seemed to struggle with the choice she was forced into. Immediately, RK popped up a vital readings over Voira and Solares from their omnitool. "They are fine, they know how to protect themselves but we need to download that virus. Now." RK spoke firmly, her task focused on getting Raa back to the terminal. Trembling, Raa turned back to once more start to type again. 86%...83%... A sudden explosion happened and with it, their hearing became deaf from the sound. It was the screaming that caused Raa to tear away from the terminal at 79%, her ears catching the sounds, and shouted back to RK. "Keep downloading, I'll be right back." Her boots clicked over to where the diplomats were huddled together, her gut becoming twisted at thinking someone was hurt. Already, her hand was darting to pull up her medi gel stock, she was ready to administer it to the wounded. As it had not been affected by disorienting nature of the explosion, Avatar had been on guard, its audio sensors listening for the distinctive markers of incoming footsteps. After approximately five seconds of detecting no erroneous sounds , it stepped over to the door and looked out into the hall, confirming that there were no hostiles currently waiting outside. As such, it could now dedicate itself to assisting with injured allies or gaining control of the security console, depending upon where its platform would be the most useful. The most obvious signs of injury came from the corner of the room where the diplomats has been hiding. When Avatar approached, it saw that not all had escaped injury from the shrapnel. The Turian civilian had been on the ground, and while she still showed signs of a head injury from Donny’s takedown, she was otherwise unharmed. The Asari diplomat had been standing between the Turian male and the explosion, but her weak barrier had protected them. The Turian female diplomat, however, had been pierced by multiple shards of metal. She was lying on the ground with four entry wounds on her chest and abdomen, along with one on her left ankle. The blood had stained her formerly-white clothing blue, and she was wheezing, which indicated damage to one or both lungs. Raa was already moving to tend to her wounds, but the personnel file Avatar had for the Quarian did not list medical expertise. “Do you require assistance, Raa.” It asked. Raa nodded, her trembling hands reached to the bleeding Turian. Blue blood smeared over her hands as she reached for the Turian's sleeve and activated her omnitool knife. It flickered to life instantly then neatly sliced through the cloth, severing it from the uniform. She started to wipe away the messy blue liquid away causing her to turn to Avatar. "I-I need help. I think...I think a lung is ruptured and even if I seal it up, she could still go into shock." Raa said trying to clean out the holes enough to check their depth and fill them in, wary of those near the lungs. "RK, I...I need a full medical file about Turian anatomy. Please." "Coming up but it will slow the download, namely to talk you through it. It's only a file and audio mostly." RK replied. Avatar judged that both hacking the console and treating the Turian were time-sensitive issues, so neither could be postponed. It possessed files detailing Creator anatomy, but not Turian, so it could not assist Raa’Kina as efficiently as RK. Therefore, it would be most efficient for it to resume hacking the console to allow RK to rejoin Raa’Kina. Saying nothing verbally, Avatar made use of direct digital communication to inform RK that it could resume its previous task. Digital communication was more akin to directly exchanging thoughts instead of speaking, so they could hold a “conversation” in fractions of a second. Naturally RK returned fire with her own arguments, but finally submitted in the end. The damn Geth was a logical machine and emotions, unlike her, didn't compute. She shifted to Raa's omnitool to assist her. Slowly the AI began to talk the Quarian through the process, first sealing up the holes that seemed the worse. The ankle was the least concern as that wasn't life threatening like the chest wounds. RK determined that the Turian had blood rolling around in her lung though it wasn't easy to tell through sound alone and no tools to measure pulse or vibration in the chest cavity. Raa had already patched three of the four holes and had been about to start on the last when RK stopped her, causing the Quarian to flinch in fear. "Raa, don't. Not yet. She's got blood in her lungs and you seal that up, it might make it fill faster. We need tubing or something hollow." RK noted, trying to determine what would work. Raa's mind already was figuring out the puzzle when she realized one thing she could use. Gently she shifted her patient's arm over the chest wound. "Hold it there, and don't close it!" Wasting little time, she started to fiddle with her helmet clasps. Before RK could give her a serious scolding or warn Voira, Raa had taken her helmet off with a soft hiss. She inhaled the air and immediately coughed, her nose cringe at the scent of blood and fire. Ignoring her own worries, she quickly jerked out and removed her air tube. There was several thankfully and each only a few centimeters wide on both ends. RK, furious with Raa, instructed her further on how to position the head and elevate the arm to help the blood flow. Trying not shake her hands, Raa inserted the sterilized tubing into the wound. Instantly blood surged out and over what little white remained on the uniform. By this time, one of the Turians had entered. He promptly walked up to Avatar, working at the terminal, and addressed him. This caused Raa to jerk her head for his attention. "Help, I need help!" She called out, her hands holding the tubing in place and preventing more bleeding. Her voice was loud, panicky without the helmet that usually muffled her voice. While Raa’Kina and RK had been tending to the wounded, Avatar had picked up precisely where RK had left off, immediately after it returned to Raa’s omni tool. There had been some barriers to uploading the virus, as the station’s central computer was equipped with a virtual intelligence that managed the station’s functions. However, against a true A.I, it served only to slow its progress. By the time Tacticus had approached it, the virus had been uploaded completely. “I have isolated the console from its master controller, Tacticus Agnom. It is currently rebooting; I estimate fifty seconds before I will be able to access local functions.” It explained.