Maggie didn't notice that the blonde woman was speaking to her at first. She stared at her blankly before forcing a smile. Time to test out her people skills. "Fine," she replied, examining the woman "just isn't my usual crowd." Not that she had a crowd. As her eyes shifted again to the surrounding groups she found another woman staring, at her or her new acquaintance? Either way she was smiling, approaching even. A genuine smile crept to Maggie's face upon hearing Irisara's greeting, and only flinched for a moment upon seeing the magic displayed on her hand. "Maggie, and any number of drink would make all of this go down easier. This is-" she stopped in mid gesture to the blonde, realizing they hadn't actually gone through introductions. Thankfully two more showed to their table. To think she was worried about finding people merely seconds ago. The first man, Cypher looked young, especially to be in a war. Gideon didn't apparently to much of a warrior either. But looks didn't mean much, as she well knew. She smiled at the newcomers and folded her arms. "That depends. I'm only interested in the serious work, the big ranks." She raised an eye brown as yet another man came to the table. A very social group they had growing here.