[B]| NAME: |[/B] [INDENT][i]Maria Calissa Costello[/i][/INDENT] [B]| NICKNAME(S): |[/B] [INDENT]Just [i]Costello[/i][/INDENT] [B]| ALIAS(ES): |[/B] [INDENT][i]The Spider[/i][/INDENT] [B]| ABILITIES: |[/B] [i]Biological Constructs.[/i] [INDENT]The power is basically a form of shapeshifting, or body manipulation, that allows Maria to create organic structures out of a unique biological material. These structures can take many shapes (primarily ones that'd be more [i]natural[/i]), to densities. From tentacles, to extra limbs, to shields, to etc. Though, I should note that this power works best with making tentacles or tentacle like structures. These constructs are a sickly dark-green color, that appear to be made of an exoskeleton. To the contrary, the constructs, if touched, are very smooth and slimy, somewhat soft. Where ever they are created, they leave behind a thin green mass that takes the appearance of webbing on her skin. Maria can control these constructs like they're an extra limb - technically they are. As they have nerves (Meaning she can [i]feel[/i] through them), muscles, pseudobones... etc. These limbs are self repairing, and will quickly regenerate any damage done to them. Once she's done, she can just absorb them back into her body. [indent]-[b]Stage One:[/b] Starting off, Maria won't be able to create too much. At most, she'd be able to create four simple tentacles. She'll be capable of creating hard materials, but she won't be able to harden an entire tentacle. She can, at most, put blades at the end of her tentacles. -[b]Stage Two:[/b] Maria gets a bit more to work with. She can create twice as many tentacles, but the range of what she can create will expand. She'll be able to create limbs (extra arms), and modify her tentacles more (Such as adding hands at the end). This comes with the ability to create bigger blades, harden more area, and her tentacles getting stronger. -[b]Stage Three:[/b] Maria can create a storm of tentacles, but this is when she can create much more complex, and much larger, constructs. Her tentacles will be strong enough to effortlessly lift and throw a grown man around like it's nothing. She can harden entire constructs in order to create shields and shells. -[b]Stage Four:[/b] The absolute peak of Maria's ability. She can create many large, strong, constructs of varying purposes, that can be very durable. Along with the ability to create them on other surfaces. You see, if Maria touches the ground with bare flesh, she can create an organic mass on it (Think of Dead Space) and spawn a construct out of it, being capable of remotely controlling it. However, it's exclusively limited to tentacles, and any of the sort. -[b]Stage Zero:[/b] [i](Abomination State)[/i] In a state of extreme rage/fear, or if she's put on the verge of death, Maria will lose control of herself, and transform into a hideous eldritch abomination. This creature is massive, not in terms of height, but sheer mass. It takes a similar appearance to a squid in terms of shape. A massive body with the girth of a UPS truck, and will have four thick tentacles, along with plenty of smaller tentacles. All lashing out against whoever is nearby. This is Maria's strongest stage, though she can't access it at will, nor can she really control it. It's basically a hulk state. After it's over, Maria will be unconscious, and naked, for quite a while - with all her wounds healed.[/indent] [b]Limits:[/b] [indent]Look above, there is a set amount of constructs that Maria can have spawned at a single time (Depending on the stage). She can't have a lot of different constructs spawned at once either. If she goes with tentacles, a lot of them are going to be tentacles, and if she goes with limbs - well, you should get the picture. Maria also finds it really hard to create anything that isn't a tentacle, or that really complex. Also, they really lack dexterity, and precision. They can be cut through quite easily with a blade - not saying you should stab them, but if you whip out a katana, they'll drop like flies.[/indent] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [indent]Hydration. Whenever Maria creates these constructs, they have to constantly absorb water, or eventually, they'll weaken, and wither away. Or, if she really wants to keep them going, they drink some of [i]her[/i] water supply, and eventually leave her dehydrated (which isn't great). Her abomination state suffers from the same weakness, and simply depriving it of water will cause it to dry up, and she'll revert back to normal (albeit, severely dehydrated). Energy based attacks deal extra damage to Maria's constructs.[/indent] [/INDENT] [B]| SAMPLE POST: |[/B] [i]Hypothetical situation where Maria discovers her power... and her abomination state[/i] [INDENT]The bathroom door swung open, and Maria stumbled inside, a foot fiercely kicked the door shut behind her. She slid over to the sinks, and turned the knob, and hot water came out of the nozzle. She ran her hand (which... wasn't right) under the water, and her free hand heavily pushed down on the soap dispenser. Until a nice glob of soap nearly encompassed her hand, and the first thing she did with the soap was angrily rub it against her hand. Every second [i]it[/i] was there, she grit her teeth, and tried scrubbing harder. Until she can completely rubbed the soap into her skin. Maria balled her fist, and slammed it into the sink right next to her. [color=Forestgreen]"[i]What the fuck is this!?[/i]"[/color] She shouted, staring at her hands with her teeth bared. A dark-green mass of biological material had covered the area of hand below her first knuckle. It looked disgusting, and was slowly spreading out to the rest of her hand. Maria just had to get this [i]shit[/i] off of her before it takes her over! She resorted to driving her nails into the stuff, cutting herself in the process, and trying to rip it off. The more she pulled, the more she felt a stinging pain - like trying to tear off your [i]own[/i] skin. She hissed, taking a moment to pause. Before trying again, using every muscle in her upper body to pull some of this shit off. The alien matter was being ripped off her flesh, forcibly. It stung even more than before - but left flesh exposed to the elements. Maria didn't stop, she kept pulling, and with a few more strokes of her muscles, she felt it getting looser (and much more painful). A large strand of the matter was completely pulled off, and Maria let out a sigh of relief. She leaned forward, and put her arm on the sink in front of her. Panting, over and over again. She still had a lot to- "... Hey lady, this is the [i]boy's[/i] bathroom." A man, middleaged and balding, said as he walked into the room. He took one look at Maria's hand, and took a few steps back - pushing the door closed with his backside - and put his arm up to his chin. "What?! You're a freak!" [color=Forestgreen]"Wait, no!"[/color] Maria shouted, putting her hand up... only to see first hand that the matter had returned and covered her [i]entire[/i] hand. Quickly going down her arm. [color=forestgreen]"What?! [i]No![/i]"[/color] She loudly shouted, as she finally started going dark. She passed out on the ground. ... That's when she turned into [i]it[/i]. [/INDENT] [B]| NOTES: |[/B] [INDENT][list][*]Maria is Spanish to her bones - she's Puerto-Rican. [*]A Cheerleader at school [*]Seventeen years old. [*]Adventurer and beachgoer [/list] Icetea, since soda is for scumbags.[/INDENT]