[color=66FFFF]”Please try to have some manners,”[/color] Terra says gently to Alex, [color=66FFFF]“Everyone here is just as confused as you are.”[/color] Terra sighs, shaking her head briefly. [color=66FFFF]“There is a welcome place for everyone in Yun. No one species is greater than the others. Citizens prove their worth through actions and kindness, not their physical or magical attributes. Who you are has not changed, even if you look different now.”[/color] Terra calmly folds her arms, robes pooling around her once more. She walks a little ways down the field, back to be in front of everyone. [color=66FFFF]“If you are all ready, we can begin our travels to the store room, and after that, the Great Mage. It is not far from here, just a half mile or so down this path,”[/color] terra announces, gesturing to the stone masonry embedded into the ground by the edge of the trees. She is stopped in her tracks by Basco’s question. Mildly, she replies, [color=66FFFF]“There are dangers in our wonderful Empire as surely as anywhere else, but we are in a very safe place right now. You will not run into any enemies here, but if you sought them out closer to the edges of the kingdom, you would find them.”[/color]