[center] Name: Spoony Edelweiss Age: 15 Gender: Female Halfling Race: Slime Appearance: [hider=Appearance] Human Form [img]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/80276264/swordgirls/images/300945L.jpg[/img] Slime form [img]http://orig13.deviantart.net/f403/f/2014/229/6/a/red_slime_by_gensokyo_man-d7vkuyh.jpg[/img] [/hider] Personal belongings with them: Spoony often keeps a plastic sealed back with her, as any other type of bag would just have slime all over it. Spoony also collects a lot of utensils whenever given the chance. Why she does this is highly questionable. Some say she does it to keep them as weapons. Other: Spoony loves to get touchy with anyone she comes across so very often people end up with a bit of slime on them after meeting her. Spoony is also a Yandere. [/center]