W.I.P I just wanted to get the idea down before someone took the power/ability. But if any edits are needed before I finish just let me know. [b]Name[/b]: Cassandra Ashbov [b]Nicknames[/b]: Cass [b]Alias[/b]: The Voice [b] ABILITIES: Clairvoyance & Mind Manipulation Phase 1[/b] (Mind reading): Cassandra's first taste of power will include the ability to actively perceive/hear the thoughts of those around her. Limitation: At first, when thoughts present themselves to her she will not be able discern one from the other. They'll bombard her mind like mingling voices in a crowd until she is able to concentrate on the specific voice she wishes to hear. Weakness: The dull roar can be enough to disorient her. It can even effect her vision if there are enough people around, much like excess light would trigger a migraine. [b] Phase 2[/b] (Telepathic Communication): Once Cassandra is able to isolate the specific thoughts of others, she will be able to innitiate mental conversation. At first, brief, then lengthier with practice. Limitation: This type of mental invasion requires varying levels of strength. Example; a trusted friend would be more willing/open to telepathic communication than a complete stranger. At this stage it will also be impossible to communicate with a moving target. Weakness: Strength required is draining and is useless on the move. Similar, but heightened, versions of Phase 1 weaknesses. [b]Phase 3[/b](Mind Manipulation/ Minimal Clairvoyance): The final set of earned powers will include the ability to control others via mind manipulation, and brief glimpses into the 'future'. I feel that the terms I'm using must be specifically defined. Mind manipulation, for Cassandra, means having the ability to 'sway' another's thoughts. Example; a target would not become zombie-like, under Cassandra's control. He/she would willingly change their course of action after she manipulated the thought that initiated it. Furthermore, for clairvoyance; Cassandra cannot see into a definite future. Her vision of oncoming events is limited to the target's knowledge of said event. Limitations: At this time mind manipulation can only be performed on a single, unmoving target. Cassandra herself must also be stationary to perform this task. Same goes for clairvoyance. As mentioned before, visions of the future are limited to target's knowledge and involvement in said future. Extreme will power is needed to perform both actions, requiring Cassandra to overcome the mental strength of her target. Weakness: Paranoia, as well as other mental blocks a target may experience, can be major obstacles. Extremely draining. Cool-down time is needed for recovery. Personal morals and restrictions also prevent Cassandra from using this technique unless absolutely necessary. [b]Final Phase[/b]: Complete mastery of previously mentioned techniques. Of course, similar limitations still apply. Writing Sample: [i]Oh, I would totally love to go to the ridiculously unintelligent movie with you,[/i] the blonde girl would chirp, her hair moving just-so with the wind, brushing itself behind her perfect willowy shoulder. [i]Cool. I can't wait to bring my guitar and act like a musician while I play the same two chords from[/i] Horse With No Name.[i] I'm original, I swear. Your boobs look great,[/i] the shaggy boy would respond with hair hanging over his eyes, but not bothering to change it. "Cass.. Cassandra," a familiar voice called out. It took a moment for her eyes to break from the auto-pilot of daydreaming, but she eventually turned. "Hello, Fay." "Creating conversations in your head again?" The brown-haired girl asked, gesturing toward the couple flirting flamboyantly under a tree at the other end of the park. "I'd like to think they're pretty accurate," Cassandra replied curtly. "If you wanted to talk to him, you should've done it before she got there," Fay said with a mischievous smile. "I don't know what you're talking about," Cassandra said, sounding bored and annoyed but keeping her blue eyes fixed lazily on the couple. Fay chuckled under her breath. The two friends sat together on the picnic bench under the humid warmth of a typical New Lilith afternoon. Their silence was filled with a learned understanding and mutual love that others wouldn't understand. Cassandra preferred to keep it that way. She had Fay, who accepted her blunt sarcasm and anti-social hardness... that was all she needed in the world. Or so she thought. [b]NOTES:[/b] 19 yrs, 10 months Starting sophmore in college