[@Zerofighter] [color=BBFFFF]"I'm not mean, I'm direct. I'm not here to mess around."[/color] She put the offered lollipop away somewhere safe for the time being, before turning back to the taller male and spinning the one she already had in her mouth. [color=BBFFFF]"There's no need to eat two at the same time. Pacing is important, too."[/color] In truth, she wondered if perhaps that teasing was his way of ensuring that any possible tension no longer remained. She wasn't going to hit anybody or anything, but she supposed he just wanted to avoid any bad beginnings on the first day. Although, if she did hit anyone, she would be sure that it was justified. Satisfied for the time being, Pico considered the next question for a moment. [color=BBFFFF]"Well, we still need to be called up, so I don't want to miss that. After, though..." [/color] Interrupted by the commotion suddenly starting around them, the girl looked toward Noel as he started to run off. [color=BBFFFF]"Again? He just can't stay still, can he?"[/color] Giving a sigh, she watched as the other girl, Ena, followed him. [color=BBFFFF]"Where's my parasol, anyway? I'm not leaving without it if we're going as well." [/color]