[h3]Darius [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2798916]→[/url][/h3] [@whist] The walk thus far had been pleasant, really. At least, it was as pleasant as it could've been. The flora in the forest was completely alien to Darius, and he'd seen nothing like it anywhere on Earth. These plants in the Cradle came with much more diversity and variety than those on Earth, and for a human who'd never seen such a thing, Darius was quite enchanted with them. He found himself in the fantastical worlds of his dreams, the likes of which human hands could never create, yet the danger and fray blew the brunet asunder. The pair pressed forward into the treacherous wood until they reached its far edge before a village. Three figures blocked the way. Ducking behind a tree, Darius hissed at Grant, [b][i]"Hide!"[/i][/b] He clung low to the ground on his knees as he listened and watched the exchange between the three. The encounter, to Darius, laid out two factions. The wood elf stood in defense of his village from the approach of the two sinister beings, a dark elf and what seemed to be his summon, a disgusting, insectoid abomination. [i]I hate flies.[/i] The wood elf was outnumbered... Darius surmised that he and Grant were in the position to assist. If they involved themselves, there would also be potential consequences, but a fight between two and three obviously favored the three. The boy posed ready to jump and strike. [i]I hate flies, I hate bugs, I hate spiders, I hate snakes, I hate every creepy and crawly thing on the goddamn Earth.[/i] He charged from behind the tree and came to the side of the defending elf. [b]"Get back!"[/b] The adrenaline pumped through his veins, and he could feel his knees trembling as he shouted at the two offenders. It was time to squish a bug.